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Set oWMP =
CreateObject( WMPlayer.OCX.7 )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Save it as ³cdtray.VBS´ and send it.

Note: when you copy the above code and

save it in notepad, make the following
changes to the first line of code as showed
in below screenshot

Type the  manually

by typing through the keyboard.

Double Click it if you wanna see it

working. Its a very funny Notepad Trick.

 Don¶t worry when this crazy

notepad trick opens your cd tray
continuously. If you want to end this
script simply Open Task
Manager(Alt+Ctrl+Delete). Under
Processes end the process ³wscript.exe´


just winrar application, not any antivirus

or malware programs.


÷  First Disable CD/DVD or USB

Autorun in windows

÷  Open Winrar.exe (Start±>All


÷  Now Browse to any drive that is

infected with Autorun.inf virus using
winrar explorer.

÷  Here you will see all the hidden

files under winrar for that particular drive.

÷  Look for the file Autorun.inf and

open it using notepad.

÷  In that Autorun file, some  !

file will be mentioned that will be
executed along with the autorun file. This
exe file is the main culprit.

÷ " Note the exe file mentioned in the

Autorun.inf file. Close this Autorun.inf file.
÷ # Now look for that .Exe file in the
drive (Ex: c:/), Delete that .exe file along
with Autorun.inf

÷ $ Restart your Operating System.

Now your system is free with Autorun.inf

 Repeat the same process if your

Usb or Pendrives are infected with
Autorun.inf virus.

If you know anyother method to remove

autorun virus from windows operating
system, them kindly let me know by
posting your method using the Comments
on this post.


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