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#include <graphics.

#include <dos.h>
#include <time.h>
struct bat
int length;
int width;
int xcoordinate;
int new_ycoordinate;
int old_ycoordinate;
}batA, batB; // Create Two Bats For Each User.
struct ball
int radius;
int speedx;
int speedy;
int old_xcenter;
int old_ycenter;
int new_xcenter;
int new_ycenter;
struct score
int score_A;
int score_B;

void initialize () // Initialize the game.

int gdriver = DETECT, gmode;
char tempstring [10]; //This String holds score in char format temporarily
time_t t;// Used to generate random number from system time.
closegraph ();
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\tc\\bgi"); // Intializes Graphics
//Initialise Bat A
batA.length = 40;
batA.width = 2;
batA.xcoordinate = 20;
batA.new_ycoordinate = 237;
batA.old_ycoordinate = 237;
// Intialise Bat B
batB.length = 40;
batB.width = 2;
batB.xcoordinate = 620;
batB.new_ycoordinate = 237;
batB.old_ycoordinate = 237;
// Intialise Ball
ball1.radius = 3;
ball1.speedx = 2;
srand((int) time(&t)); // Seed rand a random number
ball1.speedy = rand ()%1;// Sets speed from 0 to 2 depending upon remainder.
if (rand() % 2 == 0)
ball1.speedx = - ball1.speedx; // Generate Random X direction.
ball1.speedy = - ball1.speedy; // Generate Random Y direction.
ball1.old_xcenter = 320;
ball1.old_ycenter = 250;
ball1.new_xcenter = 320;
ball1.new_ycenter = 250;
// Set Background to white
setbkcolor (BLACK);
// Draw Ball at Initial Position
setfillstyle (1,15);
fillellipse (ball1.new_xcenter,ball1.new_ycenter,ball1.radius,ball1.radius);
// Draw Bats at Intial Position
bar (batA.xcoordinate,batA.new_ycoordinate,batA.xcoordinate+batA.width,batA.n
bar (batB.xcoordinate,batB.new_ycoordinate,batB.xcoordinate+batB.width,batB.n

// Display Score
textcolor ();
sprintf (tempstring,"A - %d",score_game.score_A);
outtextxy (10,450,tempstring);
sprintf (tempstring,"B - %d",score_game.score_B);
outtextxy (590,450,tempstring);
outtextxy (40,472,"Remove This Line by Learn Coding It yourself at www.cencyc");
void movebat (char input)
switch (input)
case 'A' :
if (batA.new_ycoordinate > 0) // Move only when bat is not tou
ching the top so it doesnt jump out of screen.
batA.old_ycoordinate = batA.new_ycoordinate;
batA.new_ycoordinate --;
setfillstyle (1,0); // Remove last postion.
bar (batA.xcoordinate,batA.old_ycoordinate,batA.xcoordinat
setfillstyle (1,15); // Display New postion.
bar (batA.xcoordinate,batA.new_ycoordinate,batA.xcoordinat
case 'Z' :
if (batA.new_ycoordinate+batA.length < 430) // Make sure bat d
oesnot go below the screen.
batA.old_ycoordinate = batA.new_ycoordinate;
batA.new_ycoordinate ++;
setfillstyle (1,0); // Remove last postion.
bar (batA.xcoordinate,batA.old_ycoordinate,batA.xcoordinat
setfillstyle (1,15); // Display New postion.
bar (batA.xcoordinate,batA.new_ycoordinate,batA.xcoordinat
case 'J' :
if (batB.new_ycoordinate > 0) // Move only when bat is not tou
ching the top so it doesnt jump out of screen.
batB.old_ycoordinate = batB.new_ycoordinate;
batB.new_ycoordinate --;
setfillstyle (1,0); // Remove last postion.
bar (batB.xcoordinate,batB.old_ycoordinate,batB.xcoordinat
setfillstyle (1,15); // Display New postion.
bar (batB.xcoordinate,batB.new_ycoordinate,batB.xcoordinat
case 'M' :
if (batB.new_ycoordinate+batB.length < 430) // Make sure bat d
oesnot go below the screen.
batB.old_ycoordinate = batB.new_ycoordinate;
batB.new_ycoordinate ++;
setfillstyle (1,0); // Remove last postion.
bar (batB.xcoordinate,batB.old_ycoordinate,batB.xcoordinat
setfillstyle (1,15); // Display New postion.
bar (batB.xcoordinate,batB.new_ycoordinate,batB.xcoordinat
void moveball ()
ball1.old_xcenter = ball1.new_xcenter;
ball1.old_ycenter = ball1.new_ycenter;
ball1.new_xcenter = ball1.new_xcenter + ball1.speedx;
ball1.new_ycenter = ball1.new_ycenter + ball1.speedy;
setcolor (0);
setfillstyle (1,0); // Remove last postion.
fillellipse (ball1.old_xcenter,ball1.old_ycenter,ball1.radius,ball1.radius);
setfillstyle (1,15); // Display New postion.
fillellipse (ball1.new_xcenter,ball1.new_ycenter,ball1.radius,ball1.radius);
if ( ball1.new_ycenter - ball1.radius < 0 ) ball1.speedy = -ball1.speedy; //
Reflect From Top
if ( ball1.new_ycenter + ball1.radius > 430 ) ball1.speedy = -ball1.speedy; /
/ Reflect From Bottom
void physics ()
char tempstring [10];
if ( ball1.new_xcenter - ball1.radius <= 20)
if (ball1.new_ycenter > batA.new_ycoordinate && ball1.new_ycenter < bat
ball1.speedx = - ball1.speedx;
ball1.speedy = rand () % 2;// Sets speed from 0 to 2 depending up
on remainder.
if (rand() % 2 == 0) ball1.speedy = - ball1.speedy; // Generate R
andom Y direction.
else // Reintialize entire game with new score
score_game.score_B ++;
initialize ();
if ( ball1.new_xcenter + ball1.radius > 620)

if (ball1.new_ycenter > batB.new_ycoordinate && ball1.new_ycenter < bat
ball1.speedx = - ball1.speedx;
ball1.speedy = rand ()%2;// Sets speed from 0 to 2 depending upon re
if (rand() % 2 == 0) ball1.speedy = - ball1.speedy; // Generate Rand
om Y direction.
else // Reintialize game with new score
score_game.score_A ++;
initialize ();
void play ()
while (inportb (0X60) != 16) // Check wether key press is Q if so exit loop
delay (10); // Reduce game speed to human playable level
if (inportb (0X60) == 30) movebat ('A');
if (inportb (0X60) == 44) movebat ('Z');
if (inportb (0X60) == 36) movebat ('J');
if (inportb (0X60) == 50) movebat ('M');
moveball ();
physics ();

int main ()
score_game.score_A = 0;// Intialise score in Main This Time
score_game.score_B = 0;// It improves Efficiency
initialize ();
play (); // Game Engine
closegraph (); // Close Graphics
return 0;

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