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Homework Assignments for the Week of October 4, 2010

 Practice your memory verse (Joshua 1:9). Be ready to say it Wednesday
 Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes.
 Practice your memory verse (Joshua 1:9). Be ready to say it tomorrow
 Math homework – it is in the yellow pocket folder stamped with the
homework stamp.
 Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes.
 Put your chapel offering in the little blue envelope. Put it in your OK
 Practice your memory verse (Joshua 1:5)
 Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes.
 Put your library books in your backpack. Tomorrow is library day!
 Practice your memory verse (Joshua 1:5). Be ready to say it tomorrow
 Read with someone in your family for 15 minutes.
Friday Have a great weekend! 

This week we will be focused on language foundations rather than on our reading basal
reader. As a result we will not have spelling, vocabulary or reading from our reading
anthology. Our work in our basal will resume next week.

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