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The Great Martyr – S.

Bhagat Singh
A Martyr is a person who sacrifices his or her life for a noble
cause. S. Bhagat Singh is a great martyr and a person because of whom
we are living a life of freedom today. Today every mother dreams of
having a son like him and every young man dreams of becoming like
him. He wanted to see India free from British rule. He was not a terrorist
instead he was a person who dreamt of India which was free from
terrorism of Britishers. He never wanted to kill innocent people. He
dropped a bomb in Central Assembly not to kill anyone but to make deaf
colonial rulers hear Indian protests. He was hanged to death but his
heroism made him immortal. He is still present in the hearts of every
Indian. In my eyes he is the real hero and a fearless freedom fighter. A
century has passed but still he is a man whose ballads of bravery find
voice even among the illiterate women of Punjab; whose warrior tales
children tune in to rather early; who keeps inspiring writers, poets,
painters and directors to think about him. Since childhood S. Bhagat
Singh was imbued with the family’s spirit of freedom. The execution of
S. Kartar Singh Sarabha and Jalianwala Bagh Massacre made a great
impression on the mind of the young man and he vowed to dedicate his
life to his motherland. He formed the Naujawan Bharat Sabha and this
Sabha became popular in a few years. He was with Lala Ji in the boycott
demonstration against the Simon Commission. Lala Ji died after a few
days of demonstration due to physical and mental shock. So he made a
plan to kill Mr. Scot but he killed Mr. J.P. Saunders, an Assistant
Superintendent of Police who was indirectly responsible for lathi charge
due to which Lala Ji died. He dropped a bomb in Central Assembly and
surrendered to the police. He was hanged to death with Raguru and
Sukhdev, his close friends on March 23, 1931 when he was only 23
years old. His patriotism, universal scientific thinking and brilliant
speaking impressed everyone. He is such a revolutionary and martyr
whose contribution can not be underestimated or denied, in Indian
Independence Movement. Before he passed away, he had become a
cynosure of millions of eyes and the symbol of spirit and aspirations of
new India. Right from the start of his revolution, he knew what his aim
was and how to achieve it. On the birth century of Shaheed – E – Azam
Bhagat Singh I salute him from the core of my heart.
Harmanjot Singh Walia

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