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Practice Commitment

I, _________________________________, understand that as a member of this band I

am required to engage in a minimum of 20 minutes of home rehearsal per week day. I
will keep rehearsal record in the back of my band book and will be completely honest
with my records. I understand that failure to practice and progress may result in my
being unable to participate in performances. Further, if I do not show increased
commitment after addressing the issue of non-practice, I may not be allowed to continue
participation in the group.

I commit to showing up on time and ready to rehearse. In order to be ready to rehearse I

will have my instrument in working conditions, any supplies that are necessary for the
functioning of my instrument (reeds, valve oil, etc), any sheet music or books, and a

I understand that I can call my director at any time for help or with concerns at 764-3476.

I understand the rights of each member of this group as follows.

Each member of the Joyful Noise Music Group has the right to:
~feel safe and confident at rehearsals and performances
~celebrate success and ask for help when needed
~hear instruction when given
~progress at a pace appropriate for their age and instrument

I understand that by signing below, I am committing to being a valuable and productive

member of this band who contributes to the overall enjoyment of its members by being
present, prepared, and pleasant to work with.

Signature date

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