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There is a love that leaves the heart intact as it wefts its way across the

Great divide of soul and heartshadow

There is no other way to find your mellow center, to find your tuning forked

Ringtone but to embrace her.

There is a love that comes and does the tough work

Of remembering and forgetting. Of letting go and reclamation

There is a way to find her. You must be hungry for her touch

There is a love that is mistaken for self-aggrandizement when In fact it is

The touch that only tells a real truth, no fairy tale, no revisionist history

That love comes when the others have all fallen away like so much dead weighted

Futility. She never fails you. She never tries to tell you that your pain is useless or

Will fall on barren ground.

She believes in the redemption of all things, even this moment which

Threatened to undo you.

Yes, even this moment is a tool in her


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