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Aim : To study the structure of plant and animal cells.

Materials : Onion, hydrilla s.p. leaf, iodine solution, distilled water,

methylaneblue solution, toothpick, filter paper.

Apparatus : Slides, cover slips, scalpel, dropper, mounting needle, light



1. A scale leaf from an onion bulb is obtain.

2. The transparent epidermis from the inner surface of the onion scale leaf is
already peel off by a pair of forceps.

3. A drop of water is already drop on the slide and the epidermis is put into
the slide.

4. The specimen is covered with cover slip with help of mounting needle.

5. A drop of iodine solution is dropped onto the one slide of the cover slip.

6. A filter paper is put at the opposite end of the cover slip.

7. The slide is observed by light microscope, the observation is drawn.


Human Cheek Cell

Onion epidermal cell


1. Human cheek cells are without cell wall, whereas the epidermal cells at
onion have.
2. Vacuole is absent in human cheek cells

3. Although both the epidermal cells of onion.

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