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It is designed to connect the

person to Ganesha's energy and it repeats the obstacle removing mantra 125,000
times, therefore the person connecting doesn't have to say the mantra themselves
they only need to connect to the contruct. They will receive the merit as if the
y had said the mantra 125,000 times themselves

Sit and relax for a moment and think about what you want or need .
Then say,''I am now accessing the Cho ku Rei Ganesha mantra sakti construct".
Now tell Ganesha what you want to say to him.
Ganesha answers all prayers and this will bring a strong connection to him.
blessings and more blessing group.
Om namah Shivayah
Directions: Connect to the construct everyday or twice a day until the problem i
s removed. The word rei is pronounced (ray).

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