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An Inevitable Love

By Kliphton J Taylor

As I push deeper into the abyss of my emotions, I realize my love for you grows stronger than
pride itself. I cannot seem to take my mind off of you for a single second. Maybe there is a reason for
this incapability. A reason that is much too quiet to hear, and much too dim to see. My love for you is
inevitable. Feels as though I am being pulled by a rope which is wrapped around your wrists.

These continuous emotions alter each day I breathe your name. By and by, I try and commit
emotional suicide just to try and rid myself of such overbearing feelings-feelings a student may not be
able to handle. I cannot seem to focus on the supposedly important things in life. You capture my
thoughts. He he, I see your name on my blank page before I write.

My imagination takes its toll on me, persistently. I imagine us as one, happy and dancing. But
you are another person, someone of higher status, on higher ground, and you don't even notice me. My
stomach writhes when I pass you in the halls, please notice me? Capturing love isn't easy and it sure
isn't guaranteed when you do so. Sitting back watching you go is like having my home robbed just
before my eyes, helpless to stop it.

Living without you beside me is tough, but I'll get through it—I have been thus far. Seems like
I have no life without you. Damn, I am totally out of my element. The air grows thinner as each day
without you progresses. Is this suffocation just my imagination, or an inevitable fact of love?

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