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‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (812) 463-5800 1-800-325-8506 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Form PFS COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter 572 of the Government Code. v For flings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31, 2009. Use FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form, 7 YO. (OFFICE USE ONLY 1). RECEIVED NAME Tre FR te yy Mit chelf, APR 2 6 2010 exas Ethics Commission Tae BEE Cans ZU Posy Faces FERRO If creck ir vers vowte avoress) ar ro Oe PROCESSED. APRT 6 2010 NUMBER | ( Ge} BD P-F22/ a ‘+ REASON FORFILING | () canoioate ‘STATEMENT morc orn Di evecten oFFicer roteare oF) Wi seronres orriccn cettel Menthe Sfate Offr is ot Piskpterearect (CO executive HEAD omenre scenes C1 FORMER OR RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT . CO state party CHAIR (NOICATE PARTY) Olotner (oNDCATE POSTON) © amily members whose francialactvty you are reporting (Mer must report information abovt the financial avy ofthe flee spouse or dependent chidren i the fer had actual cortal over that act): coed. fener NNpehef! cpennens ono 1. “DoreaMbetnn Dee ehetf e et a In Parts 1 through 18, you will disclose your fnancial activity during the preceding calendar year. In Par's 4 through 14, you are Fequited to disclose not only your own financial activity, but also that of your spouse or @ dependent child if you had actual control cover that person's financial activity Loe COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARYD.:140,4/7 ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800_ 1-800-325-8505 SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME PART 1A notarpucaaie: ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. Ci spouse Cl bePeNDENT CHILD ‘ INFORMATION RELATES TO Difrusn * EMPLOYMENT (ence ere Hae Ars Wells forgo Trberanen Srvves Pfewrorcoevanonen UsA, Fre. Dascerarcee Lit eeuthe OO seLr-empLoveD NATURE OF OCCUPATION INFORMATION RELATES TO Oruer Di srouse C1 DEPENDENT CHILD EMPLOYMENT 7 i creck ters Home accross) Cl emptoven ay ANOTHER C setr-empioven ‘rue oF oxctearion INFORMATION RELATES TO. ° s Cruer D spouse DI DEPENDENT CHILD EMPLOYMENT i crecer Fare Home aecress (EMPLOYED BY ANOTHER Ci setr-empioven aTREOF COUPON COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 RETAINERS part 1B & Novara This section concerns fees received as a retainer by you, your spouse, ora dependent child (or by a business in which you, your spouse, ora dependent child have a "substantialinterest’ fora claim on future services in case of need, rather than for services on a matter specified atthe ime of contracting for or receiving the fee. Report information here only ifthe value of the work actually performed during the calendar year did not equal or exceed the value ofthe retainer. For more information, see FORM PFS—INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the chilis listed on the Cover Sheet. ‘ porezeeyecy FEE RECEIVED FROM 2 THE oF BUENESS FEE RECEIVED BY Orner OR FILER’ BUSINESS Csouse (Or SPOUSE’ BUSINESS CD pePenenr cio. (OR CHILD'S BUSINESS 3 FEE AMOUNT ess Han $5,000 [1] $5,000-s9,999 C1] s10,000-sz4,999 1 $25,000-OR MORE, FEE RECEIVED FROM FEE RECEIVED BY Oruer OR FILER’ eUSINESS Osrouse (OR SPOUSE'S BUSINESS. C1 bePeNDeNT cHiLo OR CHILD'S BUSINESS ee eMOUNy Ces THAN $5,000 [1] $6,000-$9.999 [J s10,000-s24000 [1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY P.0. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800 1-8 ‘Texas Ethics Commission STOCK notaprucaBue PART 2 List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired. If some or al ofthe stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY Altria Cray "He. 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY race Cisrousé LI DePENDENT CHILD 3 NUMBER OF SHARES CD tess THAN 100 D1 s.2000 70 9.090 Cio to«s Csootooss — ART 1,00070 4,900 7 10000 08 MORE ao) Oner can Ctess THAN $5,000 [1] $5,000-s9,999 L] $10,000-$24,999 [] $28,000-OR MORE Dnertoss BUSINESS ENTITY ae Bonk of America STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Ci spouse DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Diese niwi00 Citoroaa ifsooTo ss 100004000 5.000 10 9.999 1D 10,000 oR MORE IF SOLD Oner can Dner Loss Di ess THAN $5,000, Fi ss.000-s8.900 1 $10,000-24,992 ) $25,000-OR MORE: BUSINESS ENTITY Beish/ pyere™ =~ Yeps zon Communicahcnes Gomes, | ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | A rier Oi seouse (C1 DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES DhtesstHan 100 Cl 10T040e © stows Be 1,000 0 4900 Ts00070 9999) 109000 more \F SOLD Dnercan — | C)ress Tan sso00 C) s5,000-89,000 1] s10.000-s24.999 [1] $25,000-0R MORE Dnertoss BUSINESS ENTITY ae Bonk sf Amapvee Gey. STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | CI Fier Tisouse Rf oerenoenr onto 7 NUMBER OF SHARES. Dts tran 100) too T0498) Af s00 To s09 1.000 10 4,999 0 5,000 To 9,999 0 10,000 oR MORE reo CinerGan | Cress tan ss.o00 1 s5,000-s9,0e@ [ $10,000-824,980 [1] $25,000-OR MORE Cinerioss sTTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS. ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. 80x 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 __ 1-800-325-8506 STOCK PART 2. 1 norapeucaate List each business enfiy in which you, your spouse, ora dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year ‘and indicate the category ofthe number of shares held or acquired. If some or all ofthe stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~ INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY wa Dow Chemica 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | LiFuer Cisrouse pg oerewoent cnn 7 # NUMBER OF SHARES Thess tiani00 PX tooTo«e — Ciseotoem — CI) xo00 T0400 CDsom0t0 2999 “2 100000R more coy Onercan |) ess tHawss.c00 1 $5,000-$9.999 C1] $10,000-s24.900 [] $25,000-OR MORE Onertoss BUSINESS ENTITY aes mo = Ee eee ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | C] FILER Lisrouse _Jefoerenpenr con — NUMBER OF SHARES Pues tanto ClieoTo« — Cisootose =) 000 T0400 Tso0010 9999 C2 1000008 More (SOLD Tinercan | Dass tHanss.000 (1 ss.000-s0,09 ] st0.c00-s24.02 [1] s25,000-on MORE Cnet toss BUSINESS ENTITY 5 ae 5 Vers zor Communicate tnd ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | LIFucr Cisrouse _ IRI DePENoeNT oH NUMBER OF SHARES TheesstHant00 2G 10070409 — Clsooroee ‘rom To.4a80 Cisco Toss C1 10.000 oR MORE 1FSOLD CDnercan | Tess tran ss.000 (1 s5.000-80.990 C) s10.000-824.90 [ $25,000-0R MORE Onertoss BUSINESS ENTITY ve Zennie Prag. STOCK HELD ORACQUIRED BY | T) FLeR (DRIsPOuSE CI DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES CiesstHan 100 © C100 T0499 A500 TO 990 D 1.000 10 4,998 Li soco T8909 10.000 oR MoRE footy) Cinercan | C] Less tran $8,000 1 s5.000-s9.909 1) $10,000-824,009 1) $25,000-OR MORE Cnet toss i BUSINESS ENTITY z = Boveterp x Conmumify Frees Z ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [FILER (Desouse LJ derenvenrcHup NUMBER OF SHARES Diese tiavt00 Cie0t0sw — Lisootowe (100104080 Ds00070 9.900 AK) 10.000 oF MORE: ea Cinercan | ress tHawss.000 (2 $5,000-s9,09@ 1] s10.000-824,009 [1] $26,000-OR MORE Diner toss ND ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 STOCK 1 NotaPPLIcABLE PART 2 INSTRUCTION GUIDE. List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired. If some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or joss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~ When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY Wells Fargo ? STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY QXrucr CO spouse (CO DEPENDENT CHILD 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Tues twaw 100 Lo reoTose — LscoTosse —_Sk1,000T0 «60 5,000 To 9,989 10,000 oR MORE pute Cinercan | Dress tHanss.o00 C1 s5,000-s9,908 [] $10,000-s24,909 [] $25,000-OR MORE Cnettoss BUSINESS ENTITY Ne CA ee ‘ STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | DXFLER DXsrouse C1 DePeNDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES CILESs THAN 100 i 100 T0499 D500 0 999 1 1,000 To 4,999 s.000 10 9900 PX 1.000 oR MoRE IF SOLD Oner can Ctess THan $5,000 1) $s,000-$9,999 [1] $10,000-s24,999 L] $25,000-OR MORE Diner toss BUSINESS ENTITY We reac DVS Daac| AXinctase. Pearicipf STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Dkrucr DR Sous LI DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Ditesstian 00 Clicoro« — Ciscotoe [1.000 To. 480 |X s.000 70 9.990 1 10,000 oR MORE oe Dnercan [Dress tHan'ss,o00 1 s5.000-s9,969 [7] $10,000-824,999 [1] $25.000-OR MORE Onertoss BUSINESS ENTITY Ne sand Foc Pan Aabomte Pmt} STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Dkruer ‘Bisrouse __ C)DePENbewr wo NUMBER OF SHARES CILEss THAN 100, 1D 100 To 499, D1 500 To 999 C 1,000 To 4,998 so00 709999 __[yio,000 oR more oe) CinerGan | tess ran $5,000 (1) s5.000-s9,090 C1 10,000-82¢.000 1] s25,000-0R MORE. CD nertoss BUSINESS ENTITY Ma Vo. DirironPt PRI) ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Rf FER Disrouse C1 DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Thies tian 100 — Clieotowe CJswroes C1000 T0409 §Rs.00070 9,900 0) 10,000 0R MORE eo Cnercan | C) tess tran 5.000 (1) $5000-s0.900 C] s10.000-824,000 [1 $26,000-0R MORE Diner toss ‘COBY AND ATIAGH ADDIIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY P.0..Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-225-8508 PART 2 i noraprucaaie List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired. If some or all ofthe stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childis listed on the Cover Sheet T BUSINESS ENTITY Wak Cp hl Gna 7 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [&frucr Beisrouse __Choerenoenr cnn 3 NUMBER OF SHARES. CILEss THAN 100, 1 100 To 499 1 500 To 00 JR1.000 70 4,999 05.000 To 9,999 CO 10,000 oR MORE ee SotD CinerGan — |) Less Tian ss.000 C1 ss.000-s9.999 [1] s10,000-s24.009 [] $25,000-08 MORE ner toss BUSINESS ENTITY Ba Beem, Ze. STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | PRrner Tisrouse __ Coerenvent cro NUMBER OF SHARES Tltess tian 100 Ch iorose — Cisootosee — ARf1000T0 4500 soc 709900) t00000R MORE \F SOLD Cnercan — | 7) cess THaN'ss.0o0 J s5,000-s0,e09 C1] s10,000-824,909 1] $25,000-OR MORE Cnetioss BUSINESS ENTITY NAME STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | CI FUER Tisrouse Ly dePenoent cro NUMBER OF SHARES: CILess THAN 100 D100 To 499 1 500 To 998, 1,000 To 4,999 5,000 To 9,999 1D 10,000 oR MORE (F SOLD Cinercan — | Cress Tan s5.000 [1 s5000-s9,909 C1 s10,000-s24,989 1] $25,000-OR MORE CD nettoss BUSINESS ENTITY wae | STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | CJ Fier Gisrouse __CIDePENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Thess tian i00 C00 T0409 Cis o%e +000 70 4.000 Lso0070 9900 0) 10.0000R MORE: Bee Cinercan |) Less tHawss.o00 (1 $5,000-s9,089 C] s10.000-s24,009 [1] $25,000-OR MORE Cnet toss BUSINESS ENTITY ro STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [] FiteR O spouse (C1 DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES C1 Less THAN 100 D100 10 499 1 500 To 299 1.000 To 4,999 (5,000 To 9,999 10,000 OR MORE oo Qnercan | C) tess tran ss.o00 (1 $5,000-$9.999 C1 $10,000-#24,900 1] $25,000-OR MORE Dnertoss ‘COPY AND ATIACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY - ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-925-8506 BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER PART 3. Ty NotaPpuicaste List all bonds, notes, and other commercial paper held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If sold, indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 DESCRIPTION Leonel Fires Fobpaetnt schol OF INSTRUMENT Distret Bonds : HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Airucr Ai srouse C1 bePenoenr cH 3 IF SOLD Cnet can Bess THAN $5,000 $5.000-s0,999 [] $10.000-s24,009 CJ $25,000-OF MORE. CinerLoss Crow /e TA aelepnelens Schoo (Airis aa ” foaals | HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Ajruer Kf srouse Ci DEPENDENT CHILD IF SOLD Oneroan tess maw 56.000 1 ss.000-s0.9¢9 1] s10.00-s24900 1] $25,000-oF MORE ner Loss DESCRIPTION lew? wk Fx FSD OF INSTRUMENT Bomole HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Werner Psrouse Ci bePenoenr crit IF SOLD eon Ctess man $5000 C1 ss000-s.900 CO stnco0-s24550 C1] s2s.00-0F woRE CinerLoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY

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