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‘Hutchinson 4p es Leary The Concept of Ideology Jorge Larrain Lecturer in Sociology, University of Birmingham The problematic of ideology is at the centre of many searching manner, the value and coherence of the most important conceptions of ideology from Marx to the modern structuralists. He also. ‘Gover tusvation sows a deta fom Jackson Poles Seven (Cardsaso Cstacion Veco) Pitas in Great tain re theory, such as ideology and science, ideology and linguistic a the controversy between hi and structuralism within Marxism, There aro few other works in English ich deal 1@ Subject in such a thorough and rigorous way. “The Concept of Ideology should be welcomed and read by anyone with a serious interest in ideology. Sociology roduetion this book’ Tribune Fidarcnmscn: “A7.50P ISBN 0 09 195951 Sedicogy/Soci! theory The Concept of Ideology Jorge Larrain Foreword by Tom Bottomore BY Step ee CN The Concept of Ideology Jorge Larrain Lecturer in Sociology University of Birmingham Hutchinson London Melbourne Sydney Auckland Johannesburg ‘Hutchinson Education [An imprint of Century Hutchinson Led 162-65 Chandot Place, London WC2N 4NW Reprinted 1980, 1984, 1986 © Jorge Larrain 1979 Set in Monotype Times New Roman Printed snd bound in Greet Britain by ‘Anchor Brendon Ltd, Tiptre, Essex British Library Cataloguing in Publication Dats Larain, Jorge ‘The concept of ideology. 1. Keoloey ile 145 B83 ISBN 0 09 158955 8 paper To Mercedes

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