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Berkatilah usaha-usaha kami ,mudah-mudahan dengan usaha kami ini,anak didik kami akan menjadi

pelajar yang cemerlang,terbilang,pelajar yang di segani dan di hormati,samaada dalam aspek kurikulum
mahupun kokurikulum.Seterusnya mampu melahirkan generasi pelajar yang berjaya di dunia mahupun

Ya Allah Kurniakan kepada kami kekayaan ilmu pengetahuan dan hiasilah diri kami dengan sifat lemah
lembut dan kurniakanlah kami dengan ketakwaan dan indahkanlah diri kami dengan kesihatan.

kami melafazkan rasa kesyukuran kpdMu kerana telah mengizinkan kami utk berada dan
menghadiri pertandingan________pada hari ini.

Bless our efforts, hopefully with our efforts, our students will be students of excellence, distinction,
students in segani and respect, whether in curriculum or curriculum.There are able to produce a
generation of students who succeed in the world or the hereafter.

O Allah give on us wealth of knowledge and our Adorn yourself with a gentle nature, and grant us the
devotion and self indahkanlah our health.

express our feeling of gratitude because it allows us kpdMu for live and attend
pertandingan________pada today.


Selawat..Wassalatuwassala muala asrafillambia’ iwalmursalin waala alihi wasohbihi ajma i

In the name of ALLAH the most gracious and the most merciful ,today we gather here to get your
blessing and guidance to the right path, ya ALLAH bless our efforts in guiding of our students ,hopefully
with our efforts our students will be students of excellence and successful person in their future. Ya
ALLAH give strength to us as a teacher to guide and teach them easily and effectively as a students who
balance in all aspect whether in physical,emotional ,spiritual or intelectual and lastly succeed in the
world and the hereafter.

Ya ALLAH give on us wealth of knowledge and your blessing in our event today .we grateful and
express our feeling of gratitude because allows us to attend this match today. Ya ALLAH we hope that
our event today will be held smoothly with your blessing.

express our feeling of gratitude because it allows us kpdMu for live and attend
pertandingan________pada today.

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