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Dear Winner

We are Pleased to inform you that you have won a prize money of ( £5,000,000.00 GBP )
by Google /Rediffmail Lottery inconjunction with the GOOGLE GMAIL
CORPORATION. we collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online,
Among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo, Hotmail and various Microsoft window
users, we only select thirteen people every year as our winners,we are congratulating you
for being one of the people selected. All participant were selected through a computer
balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada,
Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our
international promotions program which is conducted annually.

This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by Google Corporation and a conglomorate of
rediffmail and some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the
citizens in the commmunities where they have operational base

Winning Number ( G/4879LEV7)

How ever you will have to fill and submit this form to the events manager
1. Full name...-...........DEEPIKA C.D
2. Contact Address....-....H NO:2,plot no:3,mahalakshmi corporative society,srinagar
colony,timulgherry,secunderabad – 500015.
3. Age..-............23......
4. Telephone Number..-09959641684.....
5. Marital Status..-....unmarried...
6. Sex.......-........female.....
7. Occupation..- student...........
8.State:.- Andhra pradesh................
9.Country...- india.............

(Contact Director Lottery Department)

Name: Mr Cox Rooney
Director Lottery Department
The Google Rediffmail Corporation

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