You are on page 1of 35

~" al\

- r--. -----::OSo-u-th:--e-rn---=R--::ai-:-lw-a-y"-~ ~ r FormatI,eP!5i/ 1

Salem Division ----------'=~J-O-B-C-A_;:R"'D-=-----~----- -

Electric Loco Shed,-: E_r_o_d_e--+-=D,-::o;c-cu_:_:mc_e=;::nc-'-t.c.:N:::-o-,-. ----:c:---::c-_+.cF__:_:IP'-'P__:_IO=_;':..::.O,::_2. __,-,1--=--:- -.-_-

Version No. 1.0 Pa~e Revision No. 0 Effective Date: 1-03-07

~~GO 1 j I 1'----- _ _.___I___, __ D_Pl·_1-'---'I_'-I--'-I_L! I ~~~::~I. I IA ! )8 I IC'-- IIC-O-r-jAIll-, H-.'- IIO-H-I'-sp-L---l

[ se~~n t l

'~ •. !~'

~l-----D-ef-ec-t-s-to-b-.e-a-ttende-d-' ---, -'I-A-c-t-io-n-tjl-k-e-n (Eq-p-t.-R-em-ov-e-d-'-P-ro-v-id-ed-de-t-ai-Is) - -

___ I -----~

.. . J

Southern Railway -:-_-_-_-~-'_-_~~__' -_-E_n=g=in~e~f_i-tne-ss-C-ert-ific-a-te_-_-_-~~~~~j


ElectricLocoShed,Erooe _ --------,- - --,

Document No. PPIO - F02 Page2 of 2 I

~o: ~------r-oate-:------~---~--i t_2{ersio-n-N-o-. -1.-0 -I-~_ -_P-a-ge Revision No. 0 ----E-ffect-iv-e -Oa-te-: -1.-0-3.0-7-=_ ~-_-_=-=-- _1

Mechanical SAFETy'lTEMS

1 Cattieguard conoition in both cabs? ' , - -'---lhtaC! I DaiTIag;;-- --I

_ ------------------ ----_------ _ - --j

l2 Rail guard.cl1odition ill both cabs? _'_'---.,.- _' , _ __ __ Intact I Qamaged __ ----f

I 3 SSC dOllPler of eeot fitted properly or not? ' ' Yes INa I 4CBOcouplero!cab2 fittedproperlyorl\Qt?-===== Yes/No -= --1

5 Screw ooupling of-cab1 fitted propjlrly OJ not? ,' It>lo '_ -

~- Sc~upli,ng of cab2-fitted properly or neW Yes !No- -=- _=-J

7 Ar_e_b_q_lla_lls_e_rs_:S_o_uo_be_,r_s _an_d S_u_sp6J_nsion springs conditlo_n _io_tac_t?- ' __ Yes_,_IN_o ~

8 Are Safety slings, J brackets and Spacer belts OOAdi~of\ intact? - ' , Yes I No I

-- ~- _- _~ -' _ -- -- -- -- -- -- --' -_- -- -- _ -- 1

9 Are Br_a_1I8_h_an_ge_r_pin_s _an_d Srakerigging Ctlndition intact? _- Y_e,,_f_No ____:__j

1 Q re iIIose pinsJ~eepe\ pins and Split I1ins oond~ion intact? • Yes I No I

--, --~- i

~ re gearcase bolls and TM cover condition intac!?" ,- __ Yes I t~ --j

112 fe the Axle boxes strap belts and spi!t.spins conditIOn intact? (forl1lain bearings loco)~s I No __ ---_----I

~3e Tyres,Rive1s and Fork bolts condition inlaet?,_' _" Y_es It{()__ ~

14 Batt] sides sand~ing INa! workin_9_ ' __ YesINo ~

15Condilion I'll SP & FP pipesillock6 -', _ Iptact/Damaged _I

== ' --,:r-reExtlnauishers =-=_---~_:__I

a Cab 1 ' Provided I Not Provided I

_-~-'-~---c-_c--- ---' --- ------'-1

10 ab_1 ~,-P-rovi-ded-IN-o-\Pro-v-id-ed-~ I

c Corfidor,1 ' PrcrvideiJINotProvidw __ 1

d Corridor 1 ' PrOVided / No! Provioed 1

-=--=--=--=-- --==-'-==-~~

~:'::-:~h'''~~'""'''''';=- . -: ~. ~

1-'-- - ~-------,-- -, - --l

L --=-_,,_ '- -=-~ ,-----' -----=--~l

~D\Jtl' Mabf",nqm:e SuperviserOeloil,' [Mechqnicall j

r _N_'-;;_Ill_"'_- ===~=-=~==~- --- -- -- --, fO-j-ur-e ~ -- _- _- =:

10016/fimc • ,

~portjn!J Driv;"'r/Shunler/Engine Turner 1)810il' " -- --,- ----, -- -- I

IFII-NC-Jm-e---.~------~, -. -~---I

I - -- -- ~-------- ignatqro 'I

ISr_gnoture " , ' ~ J

, tt_olne Shoo/Ploce ' ioqle /1irn~ - [

southem Railway Palghat Division Electric Loco Shed, Erode

Engine Fitness Certificate


YeslNo l


~ aPT1 & PT2 raising from Cab1 LJl P11 & PT2 raising from Cab2


afs the~M-:-a-:-in-C::-o--'m:-p-re-s-so--:r':""w=o

bean MCpbuild and mai~tain c Is there any abnormal sound d If "Yes", indic<!t& Ihe defectlv

Yes/No=-, ----1 Yes/No

rking? YeslNo
air ~ressure? >' .t: Yes/No
in the auxiliaries? Yes/NO'
e auxiliaries ~,-, _I

d. i3R level

VACUU·~M:'::T'=E=S=T7. ==-~,.-;--,,,.~---:---=C~'c'

a mount ef vacuum on dummy PV11PV2

mount of vacuum on disc with 8mm hole PV1JPV2

J: Ar'!l o'(lth exhausters w;,::_o:_:_rk=r1n_fL9 _:_:W:_:_iifh_Fl..;_P,--V-'? ---:-~-

. dAre bflth PV's working at hlgh speed rluring "Release" pGsction ? BRAKE TEST

ems of Hg 1

ems of Hg I

Yes/No I

Yes INa I

Yes INn

a Are beth bQgie isolating cocks in notlJlal pos~it=iDc;,n?:c_" -,-- ---, -j- __ Yes INa.

b DQ brakes apply with in(fep<lndent air bfaKe handle? Yes INo cDo brakes apply wlien vacuum I BP is destroyed

b drivers brake valve=.,'? c--'--c-"-,----,:::-o::--_

d Is tlie 8ssJstan! drivers emergency brake worRing?

e Is the hand braKe workin ?---,-------,----c----.----


Yes fNq


w.rn ~ "ffi<!i't ffirT ~~!RG ELECTRIC l.000 LOG BOOK

= I-~~~~~~ I~~~";~~ ] Sj~~:~.~~~i9 __ ~:r= i A~~

~ 'I;PfPf/~DRIVEI'l'S NAME/Hqrs:' IlT;;i'f"'" "r:;;<fi" foT·'lI1ji"j;@m1l/Assr. Dr's NAM~


iiWiiiill~~'1f I i SWITCH ~~ il;;;lrll~2


1 ~ mili<i'l . ~,"1ONE I ~,Ic 1 ·--·-;~irtfJil<l;~li<'Ii#rrii'~iiI-~--+--+--~

SMGR HANDLE I ,liM,;,,; I Iw",,·. 'CONDill'lI"AO-NESS POSN.

2. <MVLADDER I ',I if'lI,'" "D UGH :

: ~ON[ I ',hir'l1VKG - ~"'1t'1;'NO r WV;(>

3. ~'! 'i>h , 1f0/.C:)NE 1 1""'<' ',.,.' 1"l.r,I' ."lIfLASHlR UGHT :

,H~\k-'';;· '2 1

EMERGENCY PHONE I ""- ~ "'''liWKG ..• -ro(-tll'1.l, INOT 'NKG

4. ~ . "HiFOVR I I ";~f,IDHN :


5. 'IIfiWlttlffi/COUPLlNGIfC I " , .... ~NI , qT{q~IWIPER :

i1lil<'\l!SPARE) . l[i!l'IONE I :1100" 1 ,ccill;\'KG . iR-'Ilij,''NOT WKG I

6. f'I-.;fo ~NAC HOSE: <,',"IONE \' r"?,;Jir,,,,? c!!r<!I¢<I>/S"EEDOMETER TYPE!

(~SPARIO) I I I'vW<!i: ,ml.MlKG - ir'-<lT<1!NOT WKG

7. -Qt. <fi ~ffii8.P. HOSE: 'l'qr/ONE I '1",",,""-;) -2 i'""f,'1(i'. 'f"""N'1'!' <! ;'If'l -#~'" 'liT ~'1

(~SPAflE) Ii !HOOF.~ • 1"'illRhING l¥ Arlo L;;A~ & AUDIO

;..IN; l1CAWE . ...,----1----'----

I I~~B

rl1~'WKG - l1·NlT'l.I1'IIOT WKG

'1 I ~q) ;I<! ,!;,f{IfFF' Oil LEVEL i ;:.IlliH iWl F.r~/i3Ft Oil. LEVE:L

10, ~<l'l ~'" <mIFOUFl' r~l1->i~'ffi1 I~.t!t.<ft


---------------------b~~~----~ur·r_~··~ ~

"'" 'l<RJOIL LEVEL I CP2 Icp 3 ~<f\:r!qr"'-:lCHBAV."OccL"'TS,;.. -....L".....,.--L-,.:.._~b.,....,.c_:k

So o/f> ~ 'ift;!!F.P, HOSE: trl!/ONE (1l>R!ISPAREj

9. erT'q;j'm<'FT w.t\ m: : l[i!l'iONE LOGO OPTG. KEY SET

ti!'ft iiTiiISATIEf1Y VOLTS

<Rtm f, ..-ri:' ;m'; 'IlT 1 <itR:ldHEvCLTSI\FTER NS

*!~-"~"'"-m-· -.~""'""\f'"'~"''1Ti- I


--------~, -


i¥~~"rJr ~M"" 'if; Qtt!I~R


7fi& DATE

- 'iiiiiiih)"i¥,llW" ~~ ~1Ii)iii!2

-ilccM::::P::::Q::::RT:O"A=N:~:rmIT=E:::Mc::S~O=-:N,=LO;,C,,"O;;+A_I_NA_i==""-;__--fL=ErrADING CAB : CAB 1 I CAB2

1,~"ftan<·tiil'iira :1(lIi/ONE -",., ~ii'i/(lfiit'<!i<lffi~i<I


2. '$MADDER : <t<!5/0NE :l"J' i!\ilIHEAD LIGHT: ! ~M'!<G - lR-""l!NO-r WKG

3, =':'~~C~ PHONE: ","rONE =.~ : ~~~~Ir'::=: ~~W~G .

4, ~'l'llPt4> : 'i/1'<HJI;JR ;::r-!/HOf'lN :


5. ~l&'llVCOUPUNG"C ~-1 j<l$VWIf'ER :

(~.sPARE) ; If'O/ONE liQOP·l 1T:I1'l/WKG ' i'R-m'il/NOT WKG

6. f-lqj(f tMNAC HOSE : "",,"ONt:: 1'flll<;»fKc<c ~f>l<J;fSPEEDOMETER TYPE!

('<Im'o/SPAREI MAKE: <IT'lfWKG·· 1l-~'>mj{'NOT WKG

7_ it 1ft·1ffi!IB.P. HOSE: "'1'/ONE "....~·2 ~""Ii'lOT, ~-rrm;P" Ollf.1-.j$-d'I> 'lIT ~


B. qQi 1ft mfF.P. HPSE: 1/W/OOE ;lfR"~IRB

(~SPARJ;;1 <miiWKG -4'-""'l.INOT WKG

9. oW!i! "lTOR 'ilIiIl m- : '/1F/ONE lfu('I\1fi tor ~j{rrFP OIL LEVE(_


10.l'I1fi'tt1llT~$ WOODEN $KID

'ff/11'fI jl;- ""' ;:»" <r.l ~CffiVDl TS AnU1 N$


~ jl;-;mmR --:-'--~---1~~ 'II'~il!ffij; 'iji 'rnllffi" "


Southern Railway Format- PPIO V
Salem Division n. ;-;;d ... ,Testing Format
,"",0\, ,,,,,u,,,
~ Electric Loco Shed, Erode Document No. F/PPIO/01 Page1 of 1 .
Version No. 1.0 I . P(jge Revision No. 0 Effective Date:1~03~7
I LocoNo I 1 -I I I TDate r I I I 1 1 Type of '.,,,,,,,,,, .. iA'liBllc :~.
SI.No o_,,,:.. ;'~"''';'to Uti "''''''~, Std. value Before m~pecllon. After
1. ~. Min. 101\110
. , Voltage drop should not be more 104V
than 3V)
I 2. IOperaUon ?(~OM & Leakage from HOM lock
3. FllrlCti0n oTBC boxlavers
4. 1.Fum;lIulI~1 Relays
a. QDA
b. -QOP1
c. OOP2
Ii Q. OPH f
e. QvSl1
f. QI.iGL2 , .
g. rovsTf
h. IQVSi2
i. 046
j. 020 ,
k. 044 (112NOtCfl) D.6.Sec -':!.'
-I. QD1
m. QD2
n. QVMf1 t,
o. QVMT2
q. 6~NoiCh(C 105
r, 6~Notch « 106'
s. 6111 Notch(C107 I,
." 2~Deiay Relays ,;
II' a. OTDW5
b. QTD106
c. 0:48
d, Q118 5 Sec
e. C118 IlL
I~ [ QTD100 5 Sec
g. QSVM 2 Sec . .'
h. Gi.COi1
! i. ~ faull of SJV
aPElJ forABB '. g~:'~u~~::~~':'
6. QPDJforVCB . ~.~~;~,k9Ic,",Cut"'Llf
7. Neoative bOnding
!, 8. ~afN.O.Load S8Vlo-10sV±3
9. ~ngcurrent 1"101OA 11
,t Made 1 Mode 1
1O, Function of DC·DC Convertor Mode 2 Mode 2
Li Southern Railway Salem Division Electric Loco Shed, Erode

__ .___ ----;;;.,~ I

Pre-schedule and After·schedule lnspecticn Testil'lg Format ~

I ~IOJ01 Page3 olB ~

-:-:---:-~::i:: ----..:E:-::ff:-ecUlle Date: 1·03·07

J I I I I Type of S~hedule IJATiB ~C

I aelore Inspection. I After Inspection.

[ Std. Value

I~=-+~·~~~itobe.che_c=kea~ __



ing 011 notches t i

~".-~:;:-:-;~ - ~--+-~--- ---+---- -

d (By putting HV. S. I \& 2 in '0' position) __ • . .

ergeney Valve 15 operated

.~~ •• -c~~ __. +_

emergency position

'--e of Au\!iliaries __ .J.___~_ ----'-~--.-

'~--~--T-=I =-F=

---------- =-I~

______ I

I---:--t~.~-~-_-~- ~~_-.-~E-t--_~

--------,--.- ~--~


--+---- -+----,--- --+----- --

_______ . _ _ir== __ -_-_-_-~~-~-~------,r~~-·----~

f---+=,-----~-----_---.--_+---.---. -=t=-=

--f---- --------

-+----- ._


_.....L ---'---- __


L__~----- . _J ~ ~. _____

-,o\-m-o-ve----- ------- ---''''''w'''A''''m;-:;;6:;;;Do-±-;CIiQ'A·--.

6/2001 W/oP41)(lO t 50A

b. 7L-oc-o-sh'-o-u""'ld-move ------ -·-·-·----~WA"'G7 800± 50A


Southern Railway

Format- PPIO

Salem Division

SI.No Specific items to be ch ecked
19 Function of PHGR & Leakaqe at
20 Check the working of AFL
21. Function and leakages Ii any fro
22. Condition of Arc Chutes at line c
~. centactor & all shullting ccntaotc
Sequence of operation of line co
I- - shuntin_g_ contactors
24. Operation of reversor Ji ,J2 &: C
and from servomotors
25. Oil leakage if any from TFP radia
~ drain cock.
Rain water leaks If any
f------Ji Availability of guards for BP & F
a. Condition of Roof bar links
I--~ rconditionoflnsuletors (Panto, 0
c. Condition of Shunts of DJ, Panta
f-- d. Visuallnspeclion of PT and DJ f
e Condition of ET 1& ET 2
f. Condenser bushing (®illeakage)
29. General
ra Ensuring of due date painting in
r----b. Check the stenciling of TM curre
c. Ensuring of Max. speed limit with
painting. in both' cabs
d. S:;ondition of HT compartment 10
ladder lock.
e. Function of hand brake
f. Check tne condition of side qlas
glasses and Corridor door Glass
qasket condition.
g. Check the condition of entrance
-h. and"theok its gasket C.ondition.
Operation and deficiencies of rna
i. Conliition of !-IT ccrapartmentpa
and ladOer.
j. Condition of Roof fixing boils, Ro
- RPS hood qasket. - Std. Value I Before Inspection. After Inspecti
PHGR to be
-- -_- ---- --_ f-'
m the E'P valves
ntactors, CGR --
rs. -
nlactors and
tor, MPH and GR
pipes __l____ on.




J, Roof bars)


or any cabs


gEiar ratio

cks, latches and

ses,looko~ es and check the

door drain holes .

in door handles, nel bolts. lalches

of gasket and

I ----- Format- PPIO -----1

I pre-SChe;;--,Ule andAft;~5chedule Inspection Testing For~jat

Electric Loco Shed, Erode

I Document No. I FIPPIOI01 PageS of B

I Pag&Revision No. 0 I Effective Date. 1·03-07

_----'-_L_ _,_l-I_L.I __LI ~~te I l 1-[-~fSchedu-'e ~ IB Ie

Southern Railway

Salem Division

specmCTtemSto tleCheG~ _ Condition of filter fixing bolls and la

f-~C-+C"'o-ndilion of cattle guard, Rail guard bolts

-_ .. _- Std. value_=:j Belore Inspectio
mps -+~
and Its fixing -- t----
-.-~;;--f- --~-
houslIlg bolts
C-coupling in -~---
---- t--
ins for freeness
helical springs.
fbrak€ cylinders.
----- \3B-78mm _
- ----_. - -.-
split Qins ------

Rxation with
-- -------:- --
iI compound -- -_--
of cable cleats -------
er arts ~ --
rackeis and split
ria missing parts -~--- -_---
-- ---
rac-k--- -----_
--_--- -- -_-
ge 1 ___ . __ -
--- Condilion of screw coupling and CB both sidee Condition ofaxie ooxes for grease-

Condition of Stay plates Equaliser beam for any crack! roll p and seatln clearances. (WAG 7Lc Condition of f~etion snupbers and

Condition of sand brackels and pipe

PI€SenCe of TM covers 'and preper

I- +---,:,o..?§~ets and air leakage if nnL__..

Condition of TMs bellows .

Presence of caps for gear cases an

leakilges to be checke.~d _

Compound level in gear cases.

TM ca,ble connection and presence f----,-;-t..!nd cable rubbing 10 TM body~ Brake gear eq uipment and safety b

Co~~framero;::;;nyc Con.dition of Bogie2 frame for 8nyc


Time taken by MCPA to 'puild up& kg/em'. Max 8 min 1--

B~essOrSafety valve setting -----+~8 kg/em2

Pantograph raising lime 6 to 10 sec PT1-


e Ensured 3 steps while raising <lnd lowering in AM 12

l__ __ ~make pantogr."[l!\!_ ___L_ • '-- -'

n. AfterTri'SPection~

---- -J

- -t---- .. ~I


-"_~ -1


6 to 12 sec


Southern Railway 1~--- - Format~- ---
Salem DivisIon --- ---
Pre-schedule and After-schedule Inspection Testing Format
Electric Loco Shed, Erode ----
Document No. FJPPIDJ01 Page6 of 8
-Version No.1.a 'I I pa9j Revision No. 0 ---EfreGtive Date: 1.03-07 I
Loco NoT I Date r -ill Type of Schedule I IA I IB Ie
~"No. SpeCific: items to be checked I Std. Value Before Inspection. I After Inspection. -
1-' 31. Compressors CPl CPZ CP3 CP1 CP2 CP~
Time taken by main compressors to build up pressure.s r--r-
kg/cm2 to 10 kg! cm2
b. Working ofCP un loader valves - _- - r--
'-~- ---
c. Function of CP no~ return valves -~I
--:;- function of CP Intencooler Safety valve - ' ~-.- ~B1
Draining of Intercooler & after cooler -
a. Main Reservoir safetY'valve setting SS210.5
32. Brake Application and Retease ---- ~
a_ BraKe pressure through SA 9 35~~
---- i-----~.-
i) Time for fl(1I b.rakeopplicatien 4toiDsec '
-- ----
ii) Time for full~brake release Bto1hec +-
~~ ~'--- 2.5kgrcrnf . ----- i-------
b, Brake pressure through A9
. .
Pass, i) Application 6109seo
ii) Release 10to 15 sec - ~-.---
c. Brake pressure throu@h A9 2.50 kg/em>
Freight I) Application '20 to 25 see - r-- --
~ease-- 25'to 30 sec ,---- f---'----'- ---'-
'33. ~getest -- r-- - -
B.P drop with 7.5 mm leak hole in 60 sec ""·":r .. =- f--------
10k lem'
b. BP Leakage Test -~m'ln ---
Charge BP to 5 kgrcm2. Drop to 4.5 kg/em2" 5 min. max t
Close AS Observe BP drop in BP gauge. I
Charge to 51\gtcm2 Drop to ~.5 kgrcrri2
Close A 15 Observe BP drop in BP~
c. FP Leakage Tesl 0.7 kg/em; in --]
Charge FP Pressure to 6kglcm'" Close A 21 cock and 5 min. max
observe FP pressure drop in FP gauge.
d. BC Pressure leakage Test 0.7 kg/!:m2 iD ~~
Apply SAS. C/1arge 8C Pressure to 3,5 kg/cm2. Clos", 5 min. max
SAg ovtlet cock anq observe Be drop in Be "gau!:)e.
e. M.R. pressure drQP lest. Check MR,pressure drop wiih 0.5 kg/em' in
panlo in raised aod Bra~esapplied condition. S min. max
f Function 01 SWC -- f-~---I
Function of Emergency application va~ - 1---- . --- ~.--=_j
h , Function of DCV 24A ~.--~
i. Condilion of Air Dryer -----' ~---
_j Format. PPIO

SI.No Specific items to be checked Std. Value Before Inspection. I After Inspection.
34. Pressure switches CuHn C~t-Qul Cut·ln Cut·Out
a. Function of RGCP Cui in 8ic 0: lkglcm'
Cui ouI95±0.1 kgfcm'
b Function of RGEB Cui in 4'1 ,glcm~
Gul out 30 kg/em'
- Working of RGAF
- -
35. General Cab1 Cab2 Cab'l Cab2
f-------- -
a. Horn
b. Wipers -._ .
c. Sanders
I- -
d, Function of VEF
e. Working of Allia drain valve
f .. Workin~ of AFI -
9 Function of Prssswre gauges, check gauges
for error readings in both cabs & for "0" error - --
h. Check Ihe function of Automatic Switching
On of Flasher- P1 & P2.
i. Check the wmking of AssWrlver's E"YIer.
Brake Valve.
36. Safety Items and Spares
a. Fire Exting u isher
b, PT Box
c. Ladder
- -=I
d. ZSMGR Handle
e. CBC clamp I
f. Wedge
g. Spare BPIFP hoses
h Sand B·ags
i. SPM SI. No: -
- -_---
j. Speedometer ¥Va rking
- --
k. Odometer Reading
-- - -,- Southern Railway Salem Division

Format- PPIO

Electric Loco Shed, Erode

37. TNilndividual Rotation
iii TM1
b. TM2
c. TM3
d, TM4,
e. TM5
f. TM6 ~---

Pre-Schedule Testing Remarks

After Schedule Testing Remarks

Pre-Schetlule lnsoection Checked bv After-Schedule lnsoecnon Checked bv
Name & sign ofTecnnician: Name & sign oj Technician:
Name & sign ofTechniGian: Name & sign otTechniciah
Name & Sign ofthe Shift SUpervisor: Name.& SiQn of the Shift Supervisor: .ELECTRIC LOCO SHED, ERODI;
Date Of Train No and Place Date Of Last Last
Loco No Failure Division Commisibning 'Overhaul Inspection Section
Loa~ Railway

Locopilot's Name/HQ. Glass:
Last TI: Detention:
Report of Failure:
Observationtlnvestigation Report!
. , "
Cause Of Failure:
Remedial Action/·:Attentlon Done: "
Preventive Action! Reliability Acti,on Pian: I
I '¢
Equipment "$erial No. . Make Last Place of,
Overhaul Overhaul
" v
Responsibility Any Other Remarl(s:
" Section

Last 'Inspection


li!.st Place of

QVerh,u)l Overhaul



Southern Railway Format. PPIO
Salem Division MU Formation
Electric Loco Shed, Erode Document No. F/PPI0/06 page1 of 1
Version No. 1.0 Page Revision ·No. 0 l Effective Date: 4-&9-61"':>6, 06 .0 "}
Date I I I I I Loco No 1 I I I I Loc:oNo2 0 I I I I I
SI.No Specific Items to be checked Std. Value O~servation I Action taken
1. In MU Loco to Loco Wheel 0 difference to be ensured. Max. 25mm
2. Pneumatic panel type locos are not fit for MU forming
3. Brake block should be same type in both locos viz.
4. Ensure in rear locos L&T cock should be in claseo condition
and in leading loco it should be in open
5. Ali auxiliary motors working in rear loco from leading 10!X> to
be ensured.
6. Ensure Tractionammetets deviating in both locos ouring' ,
MU operation.
7. Syncnronized working of GR to be ensured (Q49)
8. . No leakage in pneumatic connections
•• 9 . Brake applications and release timings to be with in limits Ajljlllcatilll1 Time
A9 20~25 se,
SAg 4 -1 (}Sec.
Release Time
I ,SAg 8·,12.See.
10. In 00111 locos G107 circuit should be of modified i.e.
contactor should be opening while tripping DJ only. Loop I
between cable no 100-500 should be available
11. Check the tripping of DJ on FULL notch Le working of Q46
12. 80th locos jumper and sockets continuity to be checked
before forming MU
13. Synchronizing of MR pressure Ie, Min Icut out ar RGCP in
both locos are to be ensured,
r 14. Condition of MU - BPJFPJBC1MR hose palm clamp &
gaskets should be ensured
L 15. Simultaneous brake applications and release 'in bolh locos
to be ensured. .
('~6.; Number of Sand~ woI1df'lll are to bll speclfuld hboth iOcos. ~
. Ensure sand baps ava~abll~y.
17. Raising and lOWering of rear pantos in ZPT Ilosition 1 & 0
respectively and leading panto raising and· IQwering in ZPT
position 2 & 0 respectively to be ensured.
18. Cheek-up the operations of BLSN from leaq ing loco i.e.
tripping of DJ and lowering of panto. -c
19. Brake power of the locos should oe ageguate.
20. BP/BC pressure in both locos should be equal.
21. Wor\l:irrg of VEF during RB and by PVEF to be ensured. •
22. Working of RB in both locos to be cheeked.
23. Brake strokes to be adjusted to with in limits.
24. Leading loco MU2B valve head to be lead and trailing loco
10 belrial.
SignatUre Ilf the Technician:
Name of Technician:
Signature of JE/SE
Southern Railway Format- PP[o
Palghaf Division Trip Inspection
Electric Loco Shed, Erode Document No. I F/PPIO/04 P.ge2 of 2
Version No. 1.0 Paqe Revision No. 0 I Effective Date: 1-03·07
Loco No I I I I I Date I I I I I I I Shift I Morni!)g I Evening I Night
SLNo Specific items io be checked Sll1. Val~e Observation I Action taken
1. Check the temperature of Axle boxes and MSUs. Ambient + 27DO
2. Check the Springs, Equalising Beam, Tie Rod. Safety
Brackets and Brake RiQqii't.Q in defeot and abnormali!L_
3. Check Cattie -Guard. Rail Guard, CBC and Couplinqs.
4. Check the oondition of brake ricqinq.
5. Check the conditional Brake, Slo,ks and operation of
Brtjke Cylinders.
RepJaoe the Brake blocksjf necessary.
6. Cneok working of sanders.
7 Check leakages in oearcase and MSU,
B, Chsck and top up oil in Suspenslon Bearing. Max. Level
9. Check and top up oomp_ourid in Gearcase. Max. Level
I.~ 10. CheCK ali fasteners of Gearcase, Suspension Bearings,
MSUs, TM insQeciiQIT and terminal covers
11. Check the condition of BP & FP Dlpes/cocks
12. Check the verticality of BP & FP nam.
13. Check for air! vacuum leskaqes.
14. Check for any root riding of brake bloeks
15. Check and record BC piston stroke lief ore and after the WAG 7
schedule 107-117rnm
t<, Roof inspection
1. Check roof for any IDreiqn materials anp flash marks, ',. -'"
2. Check Insulators for any cracks and chips. ,,g ,
3. Glean all Insulators. "
4. Check for Copper deposits. Grooving of PT pans and
lubricant presence. ,
5. Cheek PT snrlnos and articulation assembly.
6. CheCK condidon of stem box sprinQs.
1. Gle'an the Battery.
I •• 2. Clean the Battery ConnectIons.
3. Top up Distilled Water if any nesessary.
I LogBook Remarks .<'

C!tecking of Name ~ignature
Mechanical _"
Roof I Battery
!!Ii_ " .. :- ~
~ "'" ~ ,. :';" ~ t: -'i
I' -SQuthern Railwa~ - '" Fdtlflat· "ep.IGl " """ "
~. galg~at Divi$,iQf! - '" Tri~ IAsp.~ctiQn-'" ~ ""
Eledric_Loco Sited, Erode ~ " ""- 'c.
Document No, - I FtPPIOI04- l> .. g~1'_II12 ,
Version No. 1.0 Page ReviSion No. 0 I Effirctiv;i, Date\ 1·0S·0:7{ II,
Lo€oN!) 1 I j 1 1 Date -,1- ~I 'I 'r C_j 1 Shjft " I Morningl Evening I Night
Ele.ctrieal ->c. -
(._al;t Trill 1- l..Daleo, I. I - I I I- I Place I
SI.No _ Specific items ttl beclreckeo Std:'Valueo' - Ol)serva1l0l1 r ActiOJl taken
1. GHeck'L TIHl gper,alion from bN[I esDS_ "~ -
2 Check th~Qp,era_ljan GfOJfrom betb coilbs, @ '"
3, QMsek II'I~ lI(orkiiiq of <l\.Jxiliarie.S'Ir.omb0lli taGS. -
4_ Check the workhtg 'Of SlY. ,,~
O. Check working of Headlight, FlasMt:and Marker tights
7 ". from th~ l)Qth !i:a~s. ~ co,
:' ~ 6. Check Wlirkintj of Horns, w-rpers-'aM 8Mders-fr0fn Doth
'9. Ohe.cK working of R$, V~F, AFI, .. ACP arnd AfL:.li0m 1- <
DllItn c~tts. '. '.' .- "'.
-I>' 8. OheCK thera-isiil,@al)g 19Wel'ingf'lfPT's,Jr@m DO[h£tJiJSt ...... "
9. Chect ~P, FP' and rondwct 'Iea~age testwilh 1·.5mm N0!;A~e tlJ:arl to
le,ak-hQlete~tplate from bQth'o~bs.. ~ _ -~/c lMin ... ~.
10. (;h'e~k Me, EEC, m<!nlI<\1 operation from D0th & '_~f~~= _ .,
SM~R timln~s'" _~_ ,,. , w ,"- ,
~. 11. Che:ck the brake~pllwer Gf toto, '" -WAG 7 600 ki 800 ± 50A ~ .<"
, Wllh Full bra~e appli(;atifl~l etJili¥giom2eT.M' WA,P4 8:(')0'10 HieD J: 50~ r>
torten!. .- '"i- ,~, ~.
- -
12. Gheck- posHiof,l'bfa1\ sWitcJJes - - < e,." '" s"
18. _ GneoR Nega[ive,8jjndrngta~d e).lffditi0'noOf ftlS8S. 'i . '" - .. ~;~
,;,;; - 14, ehe€x aM_l'esor.1fBmfery Vol!'9ge a!.lil:G~arg€rVoltage, 1Bd01~W :1:"" ~
~ F ;;; "[rg~r ~,
r------~ i~ . l<J·lO:;V ~
Cl1eek the:6peratio~ #fiCtorSb§.- -~; , '" - < ,0 '<" ~
• 1fi .. ~leVeI0[aGR.~ 1':"'. I·~ -." '" <l:, "" ",' @
"11'. leY;els,;pl and CPA, .. '" '" ;;)' "'. -: I>!-
't; 18. Qheek IlJ:dpe!-workifl@ ~t EPe:;and'5G't' ."'" - ",: ~ -;; .""',,, -
19. ~errfQv!t arc, @iote and Cheti<--:¢bndittfn' of C'6R{fM£., ~ '" - -" -~
EPOand SC "- '" '"",: :;<
". 20 .. Check werki S~M. ~, "'- -''',,-_ '" -
k "1'1 Clean i-\f\d' a ole filn-ron- J%' ande~F'it - ~ ",,'. ,"
''""'22. Cleao,W~~J:,nsllfn' io in m C0i'n~l'Ih1efltc1;!llid . " - h .-
- "-" Iii! 0
ch~c~ 1he conilli~on< "'" . -e . " -
23_ MltMT tiofllq;p8-.Cbe~meg .. ~ ~ ~ -=- .; ~ y - ~'"
24. PunctionoH efo11Qwipq ~c'"' *- ,. I"" .~ "" f' -,
2-5. S!;t1 S82 , SA 91'&"2 -AS" - '" 'c '-Ji' ~
GPl 'DP 2 CP3",~ 1"'11&2 ",'1'1 _
~ AD).! 1& 2. iJe':_ 7'"_ .~. ,~ , --
'i' 26: - , 1,% e., -~ - 1- ;,_- ,"i§ ~
a. - of" $1@,DC8X.4 fi,\G'§ ~ ... '- §
.. b. PTPhooe ~ . _;., '§' .L;'} NQ~. _.~~ I" co,!,! S' -
.o. . laCfdel ~. 1 No; , .~,
d GBG clamp ~ ... '" " 1t\JEt - .~ ,,: .." -
e; Wooden weqqes " 1 f'I-e'- -ss -,
I' - f_ ZSIVl6Rhandie ,'" ' .. :, t No~
Q,- Spare sane baQ~. Ii N,9.s. -ea . -_ 3i
Ie", h. .- Spare BI?/FP"pipes 1 No;e.3ch
i. Transition sBfewColiplillg, HIp- "

t, , ,

I I I I ,-

I L-

----SOuthern Railway

. Palghat Division

EI.$Ctric Loco ~hl!d, Erode

Southern Railway Format- PPIO --~
Palgh;d Division Engine Fitness Cllrtificate
Electric loco Shed, Erode Joint Check by Maintenance and Running Staff
Docdment No. I F/PPIOI03 Pag.2 Qf2
Version No, 1.0 Page Revision No. 0 - I Effective Date: 1·03·07 --
Locollo .1 I .[ I [ Date 1 I I I I ,I- I .
Loco pilot I ShunliQg loco p~ot / engine - Name Signature --
~ umer Details •
. ~omeShed 1
jDate J f J J I I --
Time I
1 1 -~
!;late I I \ \ ---_._
Trme I --
_. -'. '-' ., Southern Railylay Format- PPIO
Palghat DMsion Engine Fitness Certificate
Electric Loco Shed, Erode Joint Check by Malnten~lnce and RUllning S
Document No. I F.1PPIOIli3 page2 Qf2
Version No. 1.0 P¥ Revision No.O I Eff-ective Date: 1·0
Locoljo·, I I I I Date 1 1 1 II , ~, I WAP4 800±50A to 1QOO±50A WAfJ 7 eOO±50,ll: to 800 ± 50A

~~ ,
-- Returned job card
Observation I Action. ~ookings Cross checked
S~ecific items to be checked taken ~y' .
No. of Job cards issued Section ~ob card, Date Name of staff _~ • J

• HR -

E3 .
" .-
E3AUX ---'-:-

. EM
1 ES8
- ~
E4 --------:---.
FAB ..'.
l: ,.
'. . Job c;aI"; booking ~fOSS checked bjl -
I- . Name of Supervisor --
, Date
"£I~~\'i.-'~~ . ~
.~ . ~ llii-;:;;_)t".·,r
',...! ...
fby Reviewed by ] Approved by .
;harge ADEEIDEE' S;T-
~ • \0' '.
-- I
, . 7'l~ -- ()7




'~~ Snunter =i

. --'




:..cna,-,-rk-,,-s_' __ ~


, C-= __ J

fS'---:-~~ ---_. .-
Observation I
!, No Specific Items to ~ checked Std. Value Action taken ~~
30 Check the "oil level
[ '~R I1k\1 z'fl c
ii trFP rlf i"i"~1. -
I Iii !cPA
- .. -
iv CPI -
v CP2 e ,
vi rp3 , ,-, I





Name & sign of Technician: .

Name 8; sign of Techcieian;

Sout~ern Railway . Format· PPIO
Salem Di}l1sion r---'
Document Nil, \ F1PPIO/10 Pagel Qf4
Version No, 1,0 i Page Revision No"O I Effective Date: 01'()4-10
LocoNo ,I I , I I Date! J I , , 1 , Type of Schedule I GC
,~ •

SI 'Specific items to be checked Obse':"ation r=:
No Std. Value Action taken .-
'i Avai1~bili!y of sand
l< tCattle guard
I Rail guar_d ____
2S Loco should not move with apl'llication WAP4-SQOA' -
ofSA9, WAG7-S00A "
-26 Loco should move ~ith applicatien of W~P4.1000A
SJ!l\9 WAG7-80OA
27 MCPA working & Pressure build up 8min
2B Check the, Working of Auxiliary motors
29 Check the worl5ingof ,folJowing_ items Cabf Cab2
- jj HEATER -
iii WIPERS ,
v. Head uont -_
vi Flasher light .
viii MARKERR --
xi AFI
xii VEF - "
xiv iRS "' --
xv ~CD :"
xvi IP valve- " - :-'
xvii Cutin 80 wagons '-:'----~--
RGAF Cut off 70 wagons ,~
-- •

'App, rove, d b,Y 'j , Sr,DEE

, co-

, '

, ./

---- ~

Prepared by Reviewed by

,Sectioze , _0 ADEEI, DEE

:1, __ ,-;::'".\\.0 _ '~

~ ~, . -~

,G. loP'





. ,


. G


.. -~-~.

,-- ~
Southern RailWay Format- PP1O'
I Salam DIvision .~ .
'j Dowment·No. I f/PPI0/10 . Page 2 of ..
Version No. 1.0 Page Revi'Sion No. 0 I lE.ff~ive Date: 01·114-10·
Loco NO'1. I I Date I I :1 1 J I I Type Of Schedule I 'm::" . - ~
51.NO Specific Hmns to be checked Std. Value Observation] Action
I taken
1.0 1Ct:ect< workin'Q of ADV 1-&2~ 1 12
11 !~eck condition of FP, BP· extn. Pipes
and hoses with dummy coupling. ._
12 ,Check functioning of DCV 24A
'Check the cORdilion of BP& FP hoses ..
iPalm end Washers. ,
14 Cneck the condioon of BP extension pipe
15 Ensure securing ef hoses. in 'J~ ..
16 RGCP Setting WAG7 18- 9.5
WAP4/8.5" 10.0
11 ~RGEBSetting Cut in 4.2k.glc;;'2 cut ,
, out 2.8kg/cm<· • <
18 ISS~ Setting 8kgicm2
19 SS2 Setting 10:5kg/cm!
20 Check cono ilion of Reversor bit if arly
flash mar,!(
21 Check .condition of CTF bit if any flash .
22 Provision of arc chutes with proper - Line Shunting ~GR
locking conta, contaetor I'
(Arc chutes shoutd not be • , ctor
Iremov~d, if rentGyed proper
:Securing is to be ensured)
23 Msua[ checking of <;:P & MVMT base I
beam €(f"aCk ,
24 Check'condit!0n effollowing items in I
Under frame'
S'pring -
b . Brake hanger -_ ..
Connection stri!j) ._
c .
~ TM inspection cover sealing -
e . Axle cap holts with sealing '-
.. ._ .
f MSU bolts
g .,
Gear case bolts with sealing
h Bogie and belster crack by visua 11'1 ';" ""l ;:'; '\r
~ AI!9!:lment of sand pip~' \;.l;'\ \; 'lll~ ,",,"~: \;;!! \iJ!'W,~' ;; ~-_.- __,..........,"-:----
.' _j
.' -.f ~ . , -

.t l



FOrmat· PPIO

southern Rail~y Salem Olvision Electric Loco Shed, Erode

~ ~~_."....,...' ~~ment NO., I F/PPIOI10

Version No. 1.0, Page Revlsion';O----C·'--t-I---~'-;E;;;ff;-ec:7r~lve-:;;:Da~te~:~O·1.-;;-O4~.'1:;-;O;-------j

Loco No I, 1 1 Datet ,I I 11 1 ,I fY-PEt of Sth'&lcle I


Page 1 of+



Last l'linor Schedule:

I Last Major Schedule:' Last Trip Inspection:

.....-"-....",.-----,--,~------:-,-------~ ",---:::-::----:---::--,

5I;N0:I' • Observation I

'j, Specific Items to be check¢ Std. Value Action taken

f-~_' ~1--"'-Chec-';:'k:.!:a:'::n'::'d:'::r:'::e-='co::::r::":d::::B::";A::::V-='O;:':1t;_;M::;'le==;:_---1I----'1::":;ad-to 105\

2 'D1eck GHBA Voltage 105 to 115 V_j .... :~;_"-+::: )(------t

f--___c,_3---t:=CJ:!eckneQ811ve'bondinQ NIL' I·

4 Break pressure through SA9 3,5 kQlcmc, -- +------j


I-~~_' ~T~jm~e~fo~r~9~5~%~B=r~a~ke~A~ppll~i~=t~io~n~,--4_---4~t~0_1~0~s~e~c __ ~ • ~

D. time fer BfakeRelea~eup to 0,4

kQ/cmz -, 8 to 12sec

'F-~5-. ~1~~~e~a~k~Plr~---m-e-.~-r-o-u-glh~A9---------~--~~1.~a~k~9'1~c~m~2----~\-,I~'1-"~-'~~~'~---~--~~~~~~~~~~~---- __ --4-~--~~~~--~---------' ----

a, Time fOF 95% Brake Applicationr S to 9 sec pass

20 to 25 sec-freight

b. tnme for Brake Release up to 0.4 10 to 15 sec-pass

~~~k~W(C~m~2~~ __ -, __ ~ -+~~2~~~30se~~~~~h~t~~~~~-c~-t

6 !TIme taken ,by main compressors to 1{lOO LPM -80 with out AD CP1 jeP2 CP3

build up pressure 120 with AD

- WAP4-S.S to 10 kg/cm2 WAG i - 8 to 9.5 kg/cm2

2000LPM - 40 With eut AD 6QwithAD


7 BP drpp test 1~0 kg/cm2 in 60 sec.

~_8~-rF~P~d~r~~)p~t~e~st~ __ ~'_' ~~1~0~k~9'/C~m~~~in~60~,·.~~~~"e:c:.~~:~~~=========~

9- Le!lkages


a SP to be charged to S Kgfcm2, drop to

i~.6kgJcm2 with A9., Close AB iLfT) coc: Should n01 drop more tHan

l(!)bSelYe BP pressure drO{;lln BP Gauge, O,7kgforn2 in 5min


b BP to be d1aJged 10 5 Kl}/cm2 dmpte Should not dro p more ,

4.6I<g1cm2 with A9. ClOse A9 outlet {A 15).... .

COCo Observe BP p~ure drop in GauQe I,uan O,7kgfc~2 in 5min

c '" FP to be ChaTQOO to 6 Kgl ern", close FP

inlet coc A21 Objl$iVe PP lellkage for 5 Should not drQP more than o .7kglcm2 in 5rnih

mll1utes ., j



Southern Railway


Palghat Oivi,sion REGISTERS

Electric Loco Shed, Erode I

I DoI;ument No: RlPP~O/01 to 21 Page: 1 of 6


Version No. 1.8 ~e Revision No. 0 effective Date: 1·03-07


1.looo HisUll;y Register {RIPPlOJ01)

Comw.islilb;7 ~

Loco No


Particulars 91 Wor~ Done


Named L9CIiI PiioU Place!Di<l


Special Repair Details

I 81 No I LocoNo 1 . Oate ,I pmulaIsO!Wort<.Oone ~~--------;:-~~

~--~, L, ~.~ ~ ~ ~,~

,2. Joj) Card Register (RlPPlOI02) •


Southern Railway Palghat Division ,Electric Loco Shed, Erode

51 Date of Failure Train No Place leo Dat& LastMaj Scll Last Min Sch
No Load ~~iSlon
R ' ~ AOH I 101< I POH IA liB I Ie lieD
I " I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I
locopilot's NameJHQ I LastTll 1 Class I ~ete 1
Locopllol's Report: .
Observation IlnvestigatiorrReport: I
.. , , ~~
~ - -
C"3us~Fallure: -
Remedial Action I Attention Done:
... -
Preventive Action! Reliability Action Plan By ELS-ED:
Failed Eqpt Name ~ Failed Eqpt St,No I Failed Eqpt Make I LOH Date I LOHPlace
L f I I I I t I '-j
Responsibility: Any Other Remms: , -
rvisor SignatLlre SSE/PPIO Handed OVer To CTA'on
, II III L Southern Railway Format· PPIO
Palghat Division Report Of WhelllSKldding ----
Electrie teec Shed, Erode'
Document No. .1 FIPPIOI07 - Poge1of1
Verston No. 1.0 Page Revision No. 0 ! effective Date: 1:03·07
LocoNo 1 L I I t Date .1 L 1 I I I I 11. Dale of failure

2. locogilofs Namt\IHQ

m III 111.1.11 \ I tll·IH-j~EE

3: Load

~. Place I DivisioniRailw~y

5. leading Cab Cab 1 J Cab 2


-j' J .


8 Skid si~e 'Brake stroke- and Wheel to Brake block gap (Brake r.eleased) Allin mm

" ',' ,,-
Wheel1 Wheel 2 Whee[3 WHeel 4 . Wheel 5 Wheel 6
I· I I I I I . J J J 1
Wheel? WheelS Wheel 9 - Wheel 10 Wheel 11 Wheel 12
I 'I I I l "". 1
J J l I
SI.No Specific ilemScto be checked 51(1, Value .observation Action laken' ':::
9. Brake block hardnesS (Ref: M&CIMTO/101/94) 210 - 250.BHN
1D. Brake power of 1000 Looo not 10 move
800i 50 A --
II. Brake applicaliontimeipr!j$sure by A9 A9 20-25 Sec.
12. Brake release time by A9 upto O.4KglGI!l~ A9 25-30 Sec.
13. Brake application time/pressure, by SAg SA94-10Sec.
14. Brake rele~se time by SAg uptoOA Kglcm< SA9 6 ·12 Sec.
15. BP Pressure 5.0KWcm' . , _~
16. Difference in .gauges of aPlse ._~
17. Workill9 of VEF by PVEf
18. Wor!<.ing of VEF during RB .
19 .. Wo~in9. of SYv'C -~
20. Availability 01. (lmm choke in BP C2 relay
valves Exhaust port - ,
21 In case ef MU synchroni2ed appJicatiof!s&
release of brakeg,in lxith loco -
22. leakage inQOuplings_
23. Cause elFailure.
- ,'C
.. , 'r



-- sOuthern Railway Palghat Division Electlic Loco Shed, Erode


Format- PPIO

~ ;;'i.~~. S~!ic be 'checked Stit \falue ObselVation I AotiGn taken
:'0 Check !he tripping of DJ on ha~ nolo~ i.e working of 044 ---:;--
- 2,,· Check the tripping of DJ on FULLnolr:h i.e working of Q46 ----_---
~~- ..... '1 circuit. '--- -------
22. Check proper throwing of reversor's & eTr'S with both loco
1 leading. -
'1' 23. Ensure simultaneous & proper cl9sing of alilme contaclor,;:
J...___ in both locos
L 24. Number ,of sanders working are 10 be ~fred in bQlh ,
lOGOS. EnSUre sand ~ availabllity. . .
25. Ensure Traction ammeters deViating in both loco.s during
MU operation.
26. Working of RB in both locos 10 be checked.
27. EnSIIT8 thallI' is in open condition dUriI'Igworking
- ._
! 28. Working·of VEF dUring"RB i.5·19 be ensured with both 1000
l 29. When rear loco SIV 'is tripped; Cf' 'oontactor foHhat 1000
should be in open oondition -_--- (

Si nattlre of the T_ecb"-"-n,,,-iCl,,,,'an"'l;.c..: _~_. rt,I- .. ------"--'1.

: ame ofT echnioian: _

~ature of JElS~

Southern RaHway' Fom;-at· PPIO
Palgllat Division . 'Sp!!c[al (:o:aching Ghli'ckup Perfprma • W~P4
Electric Loc-o:Shed, EroJte Document No. LF/PPIOJ05 Pagel o~'3 I
Version 1\10. 1 .• 0 Pag-e RevIsion No,O I Effec;tive Date: -1·03-07
Lo,o No f I I I I Date I' I I .r.L J S~ift I Morning I Evening I Night
S.l.No Spooiflr; items1<i be·chec;kl!!l $td,Valu. CAB1 CAa2
2.8 Brak'e power, of'I0C0(Nol mailing at) 800 to 1000;t "
~t Of1ee~ ~isually ~(er 1 and ilfer clear.;lnees r - :; ..
- and craCK ,.;
SQ, Ensure earth cabl~ in~ll¢h bogie III "
31. Oheek bl<!~e hanger >fins and ~pJil.pios , _,-
32. '2lEitk-for ;lhy fufelgn IiOllv hiftin~,rnaff(s '. ., "
39, Cheek TFP .bof_l(jitl drain plug ,
34, Check SIln"d ooxesil,liid fill UJl ~and
35, Ch~ck working 9f handQrake
~T~lOther defectS I Deficiencies nbledl
51.1'10 SpecifiCiiemsto,becheckel:l,'_ Sid, Value OhseNatlan J Action'taken
t Fire-Extinguisher - 5kgQGPx4
Nes '"
_,'r 11_ PT PhOl]s - .• __ 1 Np
,3, ladder 1 NO "
CB'Cclamp -_
4, 1 No, ~
~._L ~den wedges 1 NQ ~
- o~ -~ -- 0 ~._c~ =: '=",--j_______
6 ZSMGR haoele INa
t. Spar.e satid bags ~ 4 Nos .,. -"
-8, Spare BP/FP pipes ",. :. 1 Np-e_ach' Loco is read for;service


Name of TeChnician:

Southern Railway Format· PPIO r
Palghat Division Special coaching Checkup Performa - WAP4
Electric loco Shed, Erode OQcument No. ,I FIPPIOI05 P1982 Qf3 '
Version "0.1.0 Paae,Revislon No. 0 I Effective Date:'1~03-07
Loco No 1 I I I I Date 'I .1 1 1 I I I Shift -I Mornlng~ I Evening 1 Night
-_ ~ Sj1ecific itemri to be check~ std. Value Observation I Action tak~n
36. Deviation 0t Traction ammeters & voHmeters .
a, Workina of Horns Cab 1 Cab 2
b. Workina of Wtpers Cab 1 Gab,2
G, Workina of Sanders . Cab 1 Cab 2'
a, Workinll of Ai'll - Cab 1 Cab 2
. b, Workina of ACi? ---.-- Cab 1
c. WorkinQ of AFL I1i Cab 1 Cab. 2 Southern Railway Palghat Divieion Electric Loco Shed, Erode

loco No

Date Of Failure

Train No and Load

E5A _


6316 ElIP.

17. Bogies

75 min.

;/.7756 17.10.10 22666 0109.10


22725 30.11.10 IOH 22713 26.09.10 AOH.

Serial No.


Train No and Last Ovefhaul Last
Load Commisioning In~pection
Dadil 18·94.1999 A0H. IB •
@ Mise
.ELSiAQ 20.11.09 , 22.03.10
Detention: ID· 2439 ee.

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