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there were 3 part in paper:

1. verbal 15 question in english anology and fill in blank(from rs agarwal

may be not from barrons)
2.15-analytical reasoning from barrons set exercise.
3.20 from tech(c,c++,networking,os,ds,unix(shell))

Analytical reasoning:

1-office manager ,partition,given in barrons (exercise , question:1-4)

2-ice cream ,bannila , given in rs agarwal
3-f is true when g is true(given in barrons)
4-six days in a week.three boys,thre girls.Arrange boys & girls alternate.
5-professor take session of six students in a day.9.00,10.00,11.00,1.00,2.00,3.00
one hours lunch break,arrange session to six students.
6.physics department,chemestry at least on student from each depart. man,one women,two boys,two group of three so that in each group
one male,two female.
we don't remember the questions exactly.

suggetion--solve all question from analytical from barron specillaly

puzzal part also solve all test paper speacilly test paper's analytical
ability (puzzle)


question was not very tough but u should prepare for it from rs agarwal
2=cylinder :pisten::
3=table: ::
vilon:: ,sitar::

Technical: waiting time spend by a process in execution in wating i/o,executing.

ans.turnaround time.
2.what is differnce between turnaround time & throughtput rate.
3.full form of url.
ans.uniform resource allocator.
4.static varible is:
a.class specific
b.object specific
1a) 2) b 3) a& b Both 4) None.
5.output of the program

scanf�%c [^a]�a);
not exactly remembered. a link list if p is pointer to current node then next node will be
pointed by:
1. link[p]->right
8.if change the ethernet card then what will be change.
1.IP address

9.if want to implement stack in link list then what operation will be performed:
a.insert front,delete front
b.delete front,insert front.

10.const char* ptr is:

a.constant character to the pointer
11.queue is:
12.what is shell
a.interpreter b.command c.command interpreter.d
13.kernel is also called as:
14. TCP is a)connection oriented b)connectionless
15.can we send object implicity in function
a)true b)false c++ where memory store by new operator
a)stack b)heap c)both
17.ethernet uses access protocol
a)csma/cd b)cdma/cd

In tech interview question related to ur two interested well as

project.question was hr question are very describe
urself.why u
joined this college.about hobby,family.

best of luck

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