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er eel eeuee) fo ea ee eee etree Chamber Avoids Questions About Foreign Funding, Hosts Event With Its Foreign Bank Members morrow, the U.S. Chamber of ommerce plans to hold a reception for the Bahrain Banks Association, a trade group for banks operating in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Bahrain Minister of Finance, Central Bank, and ghrain Ambassador will be attending, anthghe event listing invites “banks ap“investment firms” to attend. ee nea ce ee NEN em es Bahrain Financial Harbour, a Babrainian bank and dues paying membar ofthe U.8. Chamber of Commerce, Tncludes many foreign investment firms that, as ThinkPragress reported this week, have been sending funds to the Chamber. The funds are deposited in the same 501(c)(6) account that the Chamber is using to run an unprecedented $75 million dollar attack campaign, mostly against Democrats like Jack Conway in Kentucky and Robin Carnahan in Missouri. ThinkProgress has documented at least $300,000 in foreign money to the ‘Chamber from two countries alone. Below are a list of Bahrain Bank Association members which the Chamber has indicated are dues-paying members: - Bahrain Financial Harbour Holding Company (based in Bahrain) - ICICI Bank (based in India) - TAIB Bank (based in Bahrain a India (state-owned and based in India) @ event occurs as the Chamber continues to refuse to answer simple questions about the legality of its fundraising operation for its political attack campaign. Foreign businesses and queign agents are prohibited by law from contributing to any American political campaign any documentation? 3 tican money. According to Graham Gillette, a participant at an lowa event attended by Chamber CEO Tom Donohue today, Donohue replied ta the controversy by simply attacking ThinkProgress as a "blag supported by George Soros.” As ThinkProgress reported, the Chamber has internal fundraising departments called "Business Councils" — like the U.S.-Bahrain Business Council and the U.S.-India Business Council — which are run by Chamber development officers. Promotions to join the Chamber

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