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‡ Threads vs. Processes

‡ Thread Creation by Implementing Runnable
‡ Creating Threads by Subclassing
‡ Advantages of using Threads
‡ Thread States
‡ Using join()
‡ Synchronization
‡ wait() and notify()


Threads vs. Processes
‡ A computer is composed of several distinct parts one of which is the
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
‡ When a program is executing, each of the instructions that compose the
program is fetched from memory into the CPU for processing. This
program in execution is called a process.
‡ It is usually said that a modern computer can process many processes
concurrently. This is called multi-processing. In reality this means that
many processes are in various states of execution in any single instant.
‡ However when a computer has a single CPU, then in any given instant,
only a single instruction can be executed. Thus true multi-processing can
only be achieved when a computer has more than one processor.
‡ On a single CPU computer, the fact that many processes are in various
states of execution at a single instant is known as multi-programming.
Each process has its own variables.


Threads vs. Processes
‡ The ability of a single process to spawn multiple execution paths is
called multi-threading. Each path is called a thread. A thread is also
referred to as a lightweight process. Unlike a process, each thread
shares the same set of data (variables). If two threads access this data
at the same time, synchronization problems can occur.
‡ Generally, multi-threading is a blessing since it allows the same program
to handle multiple events ´concurrentlyµ
‡ When threads are used: a process can e.g.:
² Load an image while it is making a calculation
² Garbage-collect behind the scenes while executing the main path of
the program
² Send data over a network while it is filling a rectangle
‡ New thread can be created by instantiating a ë  object as follows:

ë    ë 
where m is an object from a class which implements the  
   and as such must provide a  method.

Thread Creation by Implementing Runnable
‡ A thread is a virtual program in execution. When you create a new
thread, you are creating a context for a program, which includes data,
memory, and a CPU. The thread will execute the  method for
whichever object is passed to the ë  constructor. The data for
this execution context is the data for the 
‡ The above code simply creates a thread. To begin the runnable lifetime
of a thread, you must call the following method from the Thread class:
‡ The entire process is shown below:
Class MyObject implements Runnable {
// perhaps some data here
public MyObject() { }
public void run() { System.out.println(´got hereµ); } }
public class TestMyObject {
public static void main(String args[]) {
MyObject m = new MyObject();
Thread t = new Thread(m);
t.start(); }


Thread Creation by Implementing Runnable
‡ When you call the    method of the ë  class, the JVM
performs some necessary initialization for this thread and then calls
the  method of the threaded object.
‡ The result is that two threads are running concurrently:
² The main thread
² And the other thread, which is executing in the  method
‡ Soon we will discuss another way of creating a thread using subclassing.
In those cases, subclasses of ë  should override the ë  
‡ Once the    method has been called, the  method is called by
  , and the ë  is off and running, executing the code inside the
 method. When the  method terminates, the thread is dead.


Creating Threads by Subclassing
‡ The Oë  class implements the   interface. Thus
another way to create a thread is to create a subclass of ë  and
override the  method.

class Another extends Thread {

public Another(String s) {
public void run() {
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) System.out.println(getName()+µ ´+j);
public static void main(String a[]) {
Thread t = new Another(´Thread 1µ);
Thread r = new Another(´Thread 2µ);

Creating Threads by Subclassing
‡ In this (the subclassing) approach there is only one class involved, the
‡ Which approach is better? Some might argue that to use subclassing is
an OO violation since a subclass should represent the is-a relationship.
‡ However, if we have an applet, we are already subclassing, and thus we
must use the V   
 technique because of the multiple
inheritance exclusion in Java.
‡ By using subclassing, the code can be easier to understand and to
implement since there is only one new class involved.
‡ Thus there is no hard and fast rule unless you are writing applets.
‡ The easiest way to see the advantage of threading is to examine a
program written once without threads and then to examine the rewrite
using threads.


Thread States
‡ A thread can be in various states during its lifetime:

‡ Various thread methods control the state in which the thread exists.
We have seen a few of these methods such as  and 

‡ Other methods of the  
 class are:
causes the currently executing thread object to tempoarily pause
and allow other threads to execute.
V V VV  
sets the priority of this thread to the new priority ² newpr
causes the currently executing thread to sleep for the specified
number of milliseconds

returns a reference to the currently executing thread object

Thread States

returns this thread·s name
V V   V
waits for this thread to die
tests if this thread is alive; a thread is alive if it has been started
and has not yet died



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