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Background ofcthe Poet

On August 12, 1913 Raphael Armattoe exist on this earth, in Ghana to a well-known family of
Ewe tribe in Togoland. He was also known as a Medical Doctor, Anthropologist, Author and
Poet. His father Robert Glikpo Armattoe belongs to German Businesses and constructs study
about local indigenous languages. Raphael Armattoe can speak three European languages
include native Ewe and later he write and produce works in French, German and English.
Armattoe learn his basic education in Togoland and Gold Coast (now Ghana), and he left his
family to study in Germany. During studying that time at Sorbonne, Armattoe met Leonie (also
known µMarina¶) Schwartz and married her until they had two daughters.

On 1949 Nobel Peace Prize Armattoe nominated for his writings. It is contains essay likes: ³The
Swiss contribution to western civilization´; ³The golden age of west African civilization´;
³Space, time, and race;; Or, the age of man in Africa´; ³Personal recollections of the Nobel
Laureation Festival of 1947´;. And the first poetry that he produces was ³Between the Forest and
the Sea´ and ³Deep Down in the Black Man¶s Mind (1954).

On December 21, 1953 Armattoe died at the age of 40, but it was a question whether he died of
natural or unnatural causes.

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