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Reading teaching – second week

This week , we learned that there are many reading techniques and their purposes.While we
are learning teaching learning strategies , firstly i like that the must of teaching the aim of a
reading to our ss.Because if they don’t know the aim, they can not be motivated to the lesson
and effective teaching of a lesson can not happen.And as a teacher, we should be free from the
text book.We should arrange different activities which are suitable to the topic , if the
availables are not efficient.We should also help our ss to make up some questions before they
read a text.This also motivates them very much. i like also brainstorming activity as a pre-
reading activity.This allso help ss’ cognitive development.
As a while reading activity, i don’t like a s’s reading the whole text loudly during the
lesson.This make him tense and uneasy.He or she also can not grasp the main idea during the
Role plays, games and writings are the post-reading activities that i like most.Because our ss
produce or use the language according to what they have learnt from the text.
Lastly,we have to use reading aloud technique to teach or make our ss practice the

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