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‘Know all this to answer the question? No—all you need to know is that ‘something like criticize. And in the time it took you to learn the ‘Meaning of the dictionary,you could have memorized a wholelist of other words that also like criticize (aspersion, belitle, berate, calumny, casigate, decry, defamation, isive, diatribe, rebuke, etcetera). answer to the above question? Well, that would be drawn from the lst of words that raise (aclaim, accolade, aggrandize, encomium, eulogize, extol, fawn, laud/laudatory, ‘Wenerate/veneration, etcetera.) ‘This is why learning words in groups is a better general strategy for beefing up your GRE vocabulary than working slowly through the dictionary. Just remember, the categories in which these words are listed are GENERAL and not to be taken for the exact definitions of the words. BOLD courageous dlauntless CHANGING QUICKLY prions "patch volatile ea HESITATE : dither” oscillate CTT seoter - to. uae gate vacillate @ratysta — waver “baat age Aiideadtly ACT QUICKLY apace abrupt headlong @nfayge@ uot recipitate Onemseaiy Bee seat lab eear INNOCENTANEXPERIENCED credulos AMM gullible srg. 2a 27 naive | ngoanege naritneas tyro fAasttiosr j In te Hes 238 QD DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND absiruse 3&5 ambiguous bering ge ci 6 esoteric 2 inscrutable 2552 opaque ‘adi, Foal onl retendlte xt turbid geal sey EASY TO UNDERSTAND articulate cogent OFS evident limpid 5. pellucid fe. 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