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Data Structures Sorting

Sorting – Bubble, Insertion,

Quicksort, Mergesort,Selection
 Sorting is a process by which we can
maintain the data list in some order
 We can sort this list either ascending or descending.

 Type of Sorting : 1. Internal Sorting.

2. External Sorting.
 Bubble sort: In that sorting compression is
between the two elements.
 These techniques are usually slow (O(n2))

 But, they are easier to understand.

 You will have to understand the more

complex schemes eventually. There is no
Insertion Sort
 There are two kinds of insertion sort:
 Insert in-order into a new list
 Reposition into our existing array
Insertion Sort
Bubble Sort
 Has a good name.
 Easy to understand.
 Slow and crusty.
 What is its efficiency?
 Ok, now that I’ve filled your head with the
basics. Do you want to know the ultimate,
mega-powered, best sort ever?

 Me too. I like quicksort though.

 Too many variables apply:

 List contents
 Pre-sortedness
 Etc.
 Mergesort takes two
(or more) inputs and
sorts them!
 But how?
 By insertion!
 Uh oh… everyone
has to get up now.
 The “Bad Boy” of sorts.
 This is recursive too.
 Again, everyone needs to get up.
 Hey…. These slides are pretty empty. But,
you get to code this stuff!
Sort Analysis
 Well, first we need to explain more structurally
how these work:
 Mergesort:
 Split up a list into smaller parts (half size) until the list
is of size 1.
 Put lists back together by “merging”: insertion sort
 Quicksort:
 Select a value and ensure that all values to the left
are smaller – all values to the right are equal or larger
 Repeat with left/right side until they are of size 1 or 2
(and sorted).

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