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How To Be Popular a novel by Meg Cabot talks about a teenage girl who uses a book

to guide her way into popularity. As Steph Landry enters junior year she tries to
redeem herself after the Super Big Gulp incident that happened five years earlier,
which made her popular for the wrong reasons and created the known Greene
Country saying: “Don’t pull a Steph Landry” or “Way to pull a Steph Landry”.

This book tries to reach out to all teenagers to make them realize how life does not
revolve only on one thing. It also teaches us one of the greatest lessons that we
should learn during our teenage years. Though, it is not easy being a teenager with
all the peer pressure and such, we should always learn how to decipher what is right
from wrong and learn when to stop. Through Steph Landry’s story we would be able
to reflect on the tag line of the book: “It’s easy to become popular. What isn’t so
easy? Staying that way”.

Overall, this book was beautifully written and it is one of those easy read books that
teenagers like me would really enjoy. The humor used in the book is quite amusing
and entertaining as well. Besides that point, it’s really rather wonderful and
noticeable on how the characters created in this book can really reflect how real
teenagers in our society act and behave as they go through the ups and downs of
their adolescent years. I can very well say that majority of teenagers today would be
able to relate with most of the characters found in the book. To add to that, the
book also grants us readers the chance to pick up really helpful and amazing life
lessons that can be used to be “popular” in our own little ways.

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