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 Assess for drug allergies
 Assess for suicidal ideation.
 Obtain a history of the client’s anxiety reaction.
 Determine the client’s support system (family, friends, groups), if any.
 Obtain the client’s drug history. Report possible drug-drug interaction.

Nursing Diagnoses
 Anxiety
 Impaired physical mobility

 Client’s anxiety and stress will be reduced through nonpharmacologic methods, anxiolytic drugs,
or support/group therapy.

Nursing Interventions
 Administer by IM route in large muscle mass, and inject drug slowly.
 Observe the client for side effects of anxiolytics. Recognize that drug tolerance and physical and
psychologic dependency can result with most anxiolytics.
 Recognize that anxiolytic dosages should be less for older adults, children, and debilitated
persons than for middle-age adults.
 Monitor vital signs, especially blood pressure and pulse; orthostatic hypotension may occur
 Do not mix diazepam (Valium) with other drugs because precipitation will result.
 Give hydroxyzine (Vistaril) by Z-track method.
 Encourage the camily to be supportive of the client.
 Provide safety precautions
 Instruct the client not to consume alcohol or CNS depressants such as narcotics while taking an
 Instruct the client on ways to control excess stress and anxiety, such as relaxation techniques.
 Inform the client that effective response may take 1 to 2 weeks.
 Encourage the client to follow drug regimen and not to abruptly stop taking the drug after
prolonged use because withdrawal symptoms can occur. Drug dose is usually tapered when the
drug is discontinued.
 Instruct the client to arise slowly from the sitting to standing position to avoid dizziness from
orthostatic hypotension.

 Evaluated the effectiveness of drug therapy by determining if the client is less anxious and more
able to cope with stresses and anxieties.
 Determine if the client is taking the anxiolytic drug as prescribed and is adhering to client
teaching instructions.

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