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Texas constitution- 1875 deep disgust of eachother, replaced constitution of 1845, dominant group at

constitutional convention were farmers called the Grangers.

How Texas Constitution Weakens Govt.

Created the Plural Executive- seperated power among several people (citizens vote on attorney general
as opposed to president appointing the attorney general)

Part time legislative- State legislature meets every other year, only one of seven states that has biannual

Elected Judiciary

*Answer on test will be all of the above

Malbury Vs. Madison: 1803

McCulloch vs. Maryland: Supported implied powers; supported national and federal supremacy

Innumerated Powers?

State of Maryland said that the United States could not open a bank.

International system: Anarchic; heavily influenced by nation-states

-International regimes
− International Institutions
− International rules
-WTO (reduced barriers to trade)
− Amnesty international (candle wrapped in barbed wire)

Cold War- Period of rivalry between US and Soviet Union

United Nations: Created right after WWII at San Fran conference; created by Allies with hope of
preventing reoccurring.
Objective: Promotion of peace
-Collective security; security council of the UN (most important) can go an attack any nation that
effects another nation's sovereignty (did it during the Korean war and first Iraq war) (expelled Iraq
from Kuwait)
-15 members, 5 permanent members (US, France, UK, China, Russia)
During the general assembly, all members are present
5 permanent members can veto any decisions made among other 10
91-03 international sanctions were placed against Iraqf

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