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Put on ice

‫لتؤجل الى موعد الحق‬

Put on ice = To put off until a later time

Her designs will be put on ice until money is available to

implement them.

Let's put the topic on ice for the moment.

Pop up the question
 ‫يطلب الزواج من‬
 He has been trying for weeks to pluck up
the courage to pop the question.
 Mary has been waiting months for George
to pop the question, but up to now he
 I want to marry betty, but I can't seem to
get up the nerve to pop the question.
Shot in the arm
 ‫ مشجع‬,‫محفز‬

 Demand for tech professionals has been

slipping of late, but Obama's plan to
digitize health records may give it a shot
in the arm.
 Mom's phone call was a real shot in the
 Your encouraging words were a real shot
in the arm.
 ‫يخدع شخص ما‬
 If someone snows you, they persuade you to do
something or convince you of something by flattering
or deceiving you. (AM INFORMAL)
I'd been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.
 Snowed in = ‫محاصر ب ا لثلج‬
 If you are snowed in, you cannot go anywhere
because of heavy snow.
We may all be snowed in here together for days.
 Snowed under = ‫مشغ ول ك شير‬
Put the kibosh on [something]
 ‫ يقضي على – يخرب‬- ‫ينهي‬

 stop, halt, block, kibosh (stop from

happening or developing)
 Another such injury may put the kibosh on
his athletic career.
 I'm afraid that bad weather will pat the
kibosh on our holiday plan.
 I'm afraid that the sudden rainfall has put
the kibosh on our picnic.
Sleeping around
 ‫الناشطين جنسيا مع أكثر من شريك واحد‬

 be sexually active with more than one

 indulging in promiscuous (casual and
indiscriminate) sexual relations
 She started sleeping around.

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