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‫أعلن افالسه‬

Go bust
This business is going to go bust
‫نيزك ‪ -‬شهاب‬

‫)متيرز( = )‪• Meteor(s‬‬


‫‪• meteors hurtling through space‬‬ ‫النيازك تندفع‬

‫بعنف عبر الفضاء •‬
‫كوكب صغير‬

• An asteroid is one of the very small planets

that move around the sun between Mars and
‫يتزلق فوق‬

• Slide over
‫ تدهور اقتصادي‬- ‫تتدهور‬

• Home prices started to slide.


• If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks

off, or is kicked off, it begins.
• The shows kick off on October 24th...
• The Mayor kicked off the party...
‫تقليص الميزانية العمومية‬

• “There’s not going to be any meaningful

expansion of the program. The Fed is moving
toward winding down the balance sheet
(REDUCEING) ‫ تقليص الميزانية العمومية‬, not
stepping up. So if they say anything, it will be
just a signal that the program is in the process
of being wound down.”
‫ تعثر‬- ‫ سُقوط‬- ‫هبوط‬

• Home sales and residential construction are

tumbling ‫ تعثر‬- ‫ ُسقوط‬- ‫هبوط‬, the overhang of
unsold homes has soared and, according to
some statistics, house prices have started to
slide. ‫بدأت في التراجع‬

• On the floor, amid mounds of books, were two

small envelopes.
• The new perfume was launched amidst a
fanfare of publicity.
‫على أسس متينة‬

• “The Fed is going to be very cautious to make

sure the economy is on solid footing before
they hike.”
• On solid footing = on solid ground /
foundations = ‫علىأسسمتينة‬

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