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October 3, 2010

Request for Additional Visitation Supervisors:

In the interest of implementing better consistency for the well-being of Andrea Campbell, we are
requesting that Derek Nelson and Kara Nelson-Leone also assume the duties and responsibilities as
visitation supervisors.

Daphne and Robert Williams have served in this capacity and will continue to do so, however in the
upcoming weeks they will be traveling and may not be available on a consistence basis. Andrea’s
relationship with her father is valuable and necessary to her development and she enjoys spending time
with her father. Her father is an important factor in her life and well-being and we feel it is important
that relationship has every opportunity to flourish and be a factor in her life on a consistent, regular

Derek Nelson and Kara Nelson-Leone agree to assume the duties and responsibilities as visitation
supervisors and will abide by the rules of the Thurston County Family Court.

Just Dance
Posted Oct 03 2010 9:38pm
I say if you want to be healthy you need to be happy. 

It would be hard to be healthy if you weren't happy and getting healthy can be hard.  And that's why millions of us don't get
healthy, because it's hard and usually not much fun.   We like doing the things that make us unhealthy, the pleasure (how
ever negative it is) is greater to us in the moment than the payoff of changing that behavior and choosing something
healthier.  Choosing not so healthy day after day eventually leads us to breaking down, getting sick, and having to work hard
anyway to get feeling better.

So why not try happy first?  Find that one thing that truly really gets you happy and then Dance with it.  Whatever it is,
painting, birdwatching, fishing, playing an instrument, swinging at the playground, playing with legos, doing housework,
gardening, writing a book, having a tea party, fixing a car, building an airplane ... or taking a dance lesson.  Find out what it
is that makes you the most happiest you could ever imagine feeling and try it out.  And then keep doing it and doing it and
feel those happy feelings and let them take you over for awhile.

Then make your next move whatever that is to get you to the next step of healthy.  Less food, better food, more sleep, more
movement, take a walk, you'll know what you need to do next, but little by little build your happiness plan stick to it, add a
little more and then reevaluate.l

I've been working for over 25 years helping people feel better through exercise and my fitness philosophy has always been,
we gotta have fun.  Not enough of it in this world, especially for job-oriented adults.  Remember how you felt when you were
about 8 years old.  Try and grab some of it back, the energy, the enthusiasm, the wonder and curiosity, it was all there and
we lost it but get it back, have fun with it, DANCE with it. 

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