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Have you ever really thought about what you are good at? There are times when we forget to
actually recognize what it is that we do well, because we have a tendency to focus more on the
negative than what we do on the positive. Aside from feeling better about yourself in looking at
what you do well, it also helps you to better define the things that you want to do more of and
helps you to say no to those things that drain the energy from you. So why not take an
inventory by answering the following questions:

1. What part of you work (and this can be what part of the activities that you do) do you
most enjoy?
2. What aspect of your work (activities) gives you the greatest sense of accomplishment?
3. What aspect of your work (activities) are you best at?
4. What were you doing when you were having the most fun with your work (activities)?
5. What type of people are you most comfortable with?
6. How would you describe the values of those people?
7. What part of your business, career, and activities brings you the greatest sense of joy
and accomplishment?
8. What approaches (to life, to relationships, to career / job / activities, etc.) have
consistently been the most successful for you in the past?

Now the answers related to what it is that you want to exactly do in understanding what you are
good at, may not be immediately present. However, we know that there is no way that you will
see possibility, if you don't know what it is that you are looking for. Getting really clear on what it
is that you are looking for and how you can leverage the things that you are good in your work,
activities, relationships, etc., will open you up to possibility. Clarity is the key in creating the life
that you truly want to live!!!

Janyelle Huff
"Healing Minds~Creating Choices"
2701 Enterprise Dr. Ste 215
Anderson, In 46013
Flagship Enterprise Center
Schedule an appointment

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