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Indian-style Steamed Fish

Serves 3

 3 (small) white pomfret, cleaned

 Juice from ½ lemon
 Banana leaves

Cooking oil

 50g ginger, finely diced

 8 cloves garlic, finely diced
 3 sprigs curry leaves, diced
 1 onion, cut into circles
 15g cili padi
 1 tbsp light soy sauce + extra for seasoning
 2 tbsp oyster sauce
 Chopped coriander (optional)

Make diagonal cuts on both sides of the fish. Bring some water to a boil in a wok, turn off the
heat and drop the fish in briefly; take them out almost immediately. Toss the fish with lemon
juice and place them on a banana leaf.

Heat a little oil in a pan, add ginger, garlic, curry leaves, onions and cili padi and stir together; stir
in soy sauce and oyster sauce (add water if it’s too thick), then pour the mix on top of the fish.
Cover with another banana leaf and steam for 10 minutes (the water must be boiling before you
start steaming). To check if the fish are done, poke the thickest part of the flesh with a chopstick –
it should penetrate the skin. Sprinkle with a bit more soy sauce, garnish with chopped coriander if
you like, and eat with rice.

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