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SS2201 XML Tutorial

Due : first day after the half semester break

Write a DTD for a catalog of cars, where each car has the child elements, make,m
odel,year,color,engine,number_of_doors,transmission_type, and accessories. The
engine element has the child elements number _of_cylinders,system (carbureted or
fuel-injected). The accessories element has the attributes radio,air_condition
ing,power_windows,power_steering, and power_brakes,each of which is required and
has the possible values yes and no. Entities must be declared for the names of
the popular makes.

Create an XML document with at least three instances of the car element defined
in the DTD of exercise 1. Process this document using the DTD of Exercise 1.
Create an XSLT style sheet for one car element of the XML document od Exercise
2 and use it to create a display of that element.
Modify the XSLT stylesheet of Exercise 3 to format all the car elements in the X
ML document of Exercise 2 and use it to create a display of the whole document

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