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Annrose E. Quirequire
Johayra A. Fabricante

Generic Name Prescribed and Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Brand Name Recommended Dosage, Action
Classifications Frequency, and route
of Administration
1. Inhibits action of Acute dudodenal  Hypersensitive to Headache, malaise,  Before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: 15mg IVTT q8hrs PRN histamine on the H2 ulcer, Gastric ulcer, drug vertigo, blurred patient or so for
Ranitidine at receptor sites of GERD, Erosive  Acute porphyria vision, jaundice hypersensitivity to drug
Hydrochloride the parietal cells of esophagitis,  Hepatic  Remind patient/ SO to take
the stomach, Heartburn dysfunction once –daily prescription
Brand Name: Zantac decreasing gastric  Impaired renal drug at bedtime for best
acid secretion function results.
Class: H2 (Histamine)  Instruct patient to / SO
Antagonist take drugs without regard
to meals because
absorption isn’t affected by
 Advise patient/ SO to
report abdominal pain and
blood in stool or emesis.

2.Generic Name: 63mgIVTTq 12hrs Inhibit protein Serious infections of History of Seizures, fever,  Before giving the drug, ask
Gentamicin Sulfate synthesis, GI, respiratory, and hypersensitivity to headache, patient or so for
bactericidal urinary tracts, or toxic reaction hypotension, hypersensitivity to drug
Brand name: with any ototoxicity, blurred  Obtain specimen for culture
Garamycin aminoglycoside vision, N/V, apnea, and sensitivity before giving
antibiotic, use anaphylaxis  Weigh patien and review
Class: cautiously to renal studies for fenal
Antibiotic neaontaes, infants, function
elderly  Watch for signs for
 Therapy continues for to
10 days. If no response
occurs in 3 to 5 days, stop
therapy and obtain new
specimens for culture and
 Encourage pt to drink
plenty of water and avoid
hazardous activities

3. 500mg IVTT q8hrs Inhibit its cell-wall Skin & skin structure •Hypersensitivity to Seizures (high doses), • Before giving the drug,
Generic Name: synthesis, infections; cephalosphorins. headache, confusion, ask patient or so for
Cefazolin 200mg IVTT q 8hrs bactericidal pneumonia; urinary • Use cautiously pts Pseudomembranous hypersensitivity to
tract infections; hypersentsitive colitis, diarrhea, N/V, penicillins
Brand Name: Ancef bone & joint to penicillin, Blood dyscrasias, And cephalosphorins
infections breastfeeding anaphylaxis, Steven • Observe patient for signs
Class: women, hx of Johns Syndrome and symptoms of
First generation renal anaphylaxis (rash, pruritis,
cephalosphorins insufficiency laryngeal edema,
wheezing). Keep
epinephrine, an
antihistamine, and
resuscitation equipment
close by in case of
anaphylactic reaction.
• Instruct patient to report
signs of superinfections,
adverse reactions and
discomfort at IV injection
• Instruct patient to notify
health care professional if
fever and diarrhea develop,
especially if diarrhea
contains blood, mucus, or

4. 200mg q6hrs IVTT Cloxacillin is resistant Staphylococcal Hypersensitivity to  An allergic reaction  Before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: to degradation by Infection resistant to penicillins (shortness of breath; patient or so for
Cloxacillin 330mg q12hrs IVTT penicillinases. It is benzylpenicllin closing of your hypersensitivity to
particularly useful throat; hives; penicillins
Brand Name: 400mg IVTT q 6hrs against swelling of your lips,  Determine previous
Cloxapen penicillinase- face, or tongue; rash; exposure and sensitivity to
producing or fainting); seizures; penicillins and
Class: staphylococci. severe watery cephalosporins and other
Antibiotic diarrhea and allergic reactions of any
abdominal cramps; kind before treatment is
or unusual bleeding initiated.
or bruising. N/V,  Monitor for S&Sx of
white patches on the anaphylactoid reaction
tongue (thrush/yeast  Periodic assessments of
infection). black, renal, hepatic, and
"hairy" tongue or hematopoietic function
sore mouth or

5. 200mg IVTT q 8hr inhibits cell-wall Serious lower Hypersensitive to Phlebitis, diarrhea,  before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: synthesis, usually respiratory tract drug and other N/V, patient or so for
Cefuroxime 250 IVTT q8hrs bactericidal infection, UTI, skin cephalosporin pseudomembranosu hypersensitivity to
or skin structure Use cautiously to s colitis, hemolytic penicillins and
Brand Name: Ceftin 175 mg IVTT q 8hrs infection, patients with hx of anemia, anaphylaxis cephalosporins
septicemia, colitis and renal  Absorption is enhanced by
Classification: meningitis insufficiency and in food
Second-generation Pharyngitis and breast feeding  Tell patient and SO to
cephalosporin tonsillitis women report any adverse
 Monitor patient for signs of
super infection

6. NA I million “u” IVTT q Inhibits cell-wall Moderate to severe Hypersensitivity to Seizure, heart failure,  Before giving drug, ask
Generic Name: 6hrs synthesis during systemic infection drug and use leucopenia, patient about allergic
Penicillin G Soduim bacterial cautiously in thrombocytopenia, reactions to penicillin
multiplication patients with other anaphylaxis  Tell patient to report
Brand Name: drug allergies, adverse reactions promptly
Crystapen especially to  Instruct pt to report to
cephalosporin discomfort at IV site
Class: Natural

7. 1g IVTT OD Inhibits cell-wall UTI, lower  Hypersensitive to Fever, headache,  Before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: synthesis, usually respiratory tract, drug and other dizziness, diarrhea, patient or so for
Ceftriaxone Sodium bactericidal gynecologic bone or cephalosporin pain and tenderness hypersensitivity to
joint, intra-  Use cautiously to at the injection site penicillins and
Brand Name: abdominal, skin, patients cephalosporins
Cefizox skin structure, hypersensitive to  Tell patient and SO to
septicemia, penicillin, breast- report any adverse
Class: Third Meningitis feeding women reactions
generation  Instruct pt to report to
cephalosporin discomfort at IV site

8. Aminophylline To prevent and Hypersensitivity to Restlessness,  Before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: relaxes smooth relieve symptoms of xanthine derivatives depression, patient or so for
Aminophylline muscle acute bronchial or to insomnia, irritability, hypersensitivity to drug
(bronchodilation) asthma and ethylenediamine headache, dizziness,  Monitor closely for adverse
Brand Name: and controls the treatment of component; cardiac convulsions, cardiac reactions.
Xanthine body's response to bronchospasm arrhythmias. arrhythmias,  Monitor & record vital signs
bronchodilator airway stimulation, associated with hyperventilation, and I&O. A sudden, sharp,
such as allergens. chronic bronchitis chest pain, severe unexplained rise in heart
Class: and emphysema. hypotension, cardiac rate may indicate toxicity.
bronchodilator arrest, N/V.  Monitor serum
theophylline levels
 Note: Children appear more
susceptible to CNS
stimulating effects of
xanthines (nervousness,
restlessness, insomnia,
hyperactive reflexes,
twitching, convulsions).
Dosage reduction may be
9. Ampicillin 85mg IV Inhibits synthesis of For treatment of Contraindicated with Seizures,  Before giving the drug, ask
Generic Name: q12hrs bacterial cell infection allergies to drug and hallucinations, patient or so for
Ampicillin Sodium wall, causing cell (Respiratory, GI, UTI penicillins and fatigue,diarrhea, hypersensitivity to
death and meningitis) due cephalosphorins. N/V, rash, anemia penicillins
Brand Name: to E. coli, P. mirabilis, Use cautiously with  IM or IV is only given if pt
Apmicin enterococci, Shigella, renal disorder. cant take oral dose
S. typhosa and other  Give drug 1 to 2 hrs before
Classification: Salmonella. or 2 to 3 hours after mea.
Antibiotic Drug may cause GI
Penicillin disturbances.
 Watch for signs of
hypersensisitivy and
adverse reactions
 Monitor seodium level
because each gram contain
2.9 mEq of sodium

10. Nebulize c Combivent Combivent Combivent is contraindicated in fatigue, drowsiness,  Monitor respiratory status;
Generic Name: 1ml now Inhalation Solution is indicated for use in patients with a dizziness, vertigo, auscultate lungs before and
Albuterol and a combination of the patients with chronic history of abdominal pain, after inhalation
ipratropium inhaler anticholinergic obstructive hypersensitivity to hypertension,  Report treatment failure
bronchodilator, pulmonary disease soya lecithin or tachycardia, blurred (exacerbation of respiratory
Brand Name: ipratropium (COPD) on a regular related food vision, dry mouth, symptoms) to physician
Combivent bromide, and the aerosol products such as paradoxical
beta2-adrenergic bronchodilator who soybean and peanut. bronchospasm,, rash,
Classification: bronchodilator, continue to have Combivent vomiting, diarrhea,
Bronchodilator salbutamol sulfate. evidence of Inhalation Aerosol is edema, constipation
The first has bronchospasm and also contraindicated and urinary difficulty
bronchodilator who require a in patients
properties. The second hypersensitive to any
second causes bronchodilator. other components of
relaxation of muscle the drug product or
fibres. to atropine or its

11. syrup 2.5ml q 6hrs Binds to β2- To prevent and Hypersensitivity to Dizziness,  Obtain history of allergies
Generic Name: adrenergic receptors relieve drug, pts with ardiac hyperactivity,  Use medicine as directed
Albuterol with a higher affinity bronchospasm in disease, insomnia by doctor
than β1-receptors. In patients with hypertension, hypertension,  Clean the inhaler
Brand Name: the airway, reversible diabetes mellitus and tachycardia mouthpiece every day
Salbutamol activation of β2- obstructive airway seizure disorder, Conjunctivitis, with warm running water
receptors results in disease. elderly patients, pharyngitis for 30 seconds. Dry it
Classification: relaxation of pregnant pts N/V, anorexia, thoroughly before use.
Bronchodilator bronchial smooth heartburn, GI  Record the administration
muscle. resulting in a distress, of drug immediately
widening of the Muscle cramps  Instruct client for the next
airway Cough, dyspnea, time of medication
(bronchodilation). wheezing,

12. 5ml x4 days Antacids counteract Aluminum  Avoid drugs such Chalky taste,diarrhea  Ask patient and SO before
Generic Name: or neutralize gastric hydroxide and as tetracycline, and constipation taking this medication,if
Aluminum hydroxide acidity for up to magnesium aspirin and pt have kidney diseases
+ magnesium three hours after a hydroxide are indomethacin  Ask patient or SO if the pt
hydroxide single dose by antacids that are because it may is taking other
are seen frequently.
combining with used together to affect the way medications because it
Contact your doctor
Brand Name: stomach acids. treat and prevent body responds to may affect the way body
if the problem is
Amphogel+ Citroma ulcers and to certain drugs responds to certain drugs,
relieve heartburn,  Pregnant pts especially tetracycline and
Loss of appetite,
Classification: acid indigestion,  Rectal bleeding ferrous sulfate (iron).
unusual tiredness
Antacids and stomach  Keep this medication in
and muscle weakness
upsets. the tightly closed
are rarely seen.
 Keep it out of reach of
children. Store the
container at room
 Record the amount and
the consistency of the

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