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“Debbie said, “That was the first time I heard him This is potentially a lot like Odysseus.
say stuff about seeing people’s brains blown out. Odysseus has been at war and sea for many
Other times, he just has flashbacks—like, he sits years and has experienced many traumatic
still and stares.” Carl laughed again. “Really, events. Odysseus is undoubtedly coming home
though, I’m fine,” he said. Beside him in the booth, a changed man. This, once again, reinforces the
Debbie shook her head without taking her eyes fact that after being gone people change. In the
from mine and exaggeratedly mouthed, “Not fine. Odyssey we see how the people at home
Not fine.” (mother dying, suitors coming, etc.) change
were in the article it really focuses on how the
soldier changes.
“I spent a week in December among amputees at The soldier’s don’t forget their past and the
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in things that they have done. It seems as though
Washington, D.C., and was struck by how easily the soldiers feel very guilty about their killings.
they could tell the stories of the horrible things that Although they suffered many physical wounds
had happened to them. They could talk about themselves, the real thing that is ‘eating them
having their arms or legs blown off in vivid detail, up’ and bothering them is the harm that they
and even joke about it, but, as soon as the subject have caused others. It seems almost selfless
changed to the killing they’d done, a pall would how the soldiers care more about what they
settle over them.” have done to others then the pain and suffering
that they have received. I wonder if the soldiers
ever regret doing what they did. Also, the
soldiers are the opposite of Odysseus.
Odysseus brags about the harm that he has
caused people; like when he arrogantly told the
Cyclopes that it was Odysseus who blinded
“We’re going to use a dirty, nasty four-letter word This seems like the opposite of what we have
you’ll hardly ever hear,” he told a roomful of burly always been taught: “to confront the act of
agents. “If you’re truly ready to kill, you’ll be killing” seems like an awful thing to do. “I
better able to avoid panic, better able to deter your want that reflexive killing,” a captain wrote to
opponent, and better able to live with it afterward.” Kilner” The army process seems like a
A soldier traumatized by the killing he has done is somewhat awful thing. Making the soldiers kill
a casualty, he said, but such casualties can be and having to deal with the after effects. They
avoided if soldiers are taught, mentally, to confront say that they “cannot send home generation
the act of killing.” after generation of combat-traumatized
------------------------------------------------------------- veterans.” But that is exactly what they are
- doing. All and all, there is no good way to do
“To win wars, the Army must turn soldiers, it; people will be hurt physically and mentally
momentarily, into reflexive, robotic killers. But, as but it has to be done and there is nothing that
a volunteer force dependent on the good will of the we can do about it. Finally, a “robotic killer”
public, it cannot send home generation after perfectly describes Odysseus. When he was
generation of combat-traumatized veterans.” talking to Kirk, she even asked him if he must
always think about war and killing. It just once
again shows how our culture has changed.

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