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After installing windows 7 you will be greeted with a user creation prompt

press shift+f10 and you should get a cmd window up like in the image below

Copy the Users Profiles, Program Files And ProgramData Folders onto the
Partition you want to use

1 robocopy "C:\Users" "D:\Users" /E /COPYALL /XJ

2 robocopy "C:\Program Files" "D:\Program Files" /E /COPYALL /XJ

3 robocopy "C:\ProgramData" "D:\ProgramData" /E /COPYALL /XJ

Delete the old folders and create links

For Program Files:

1 rmdir "C:\Program Files" /S /Q

2 mklink /J "C:\Program Files" "D:\Program Files"

For the User Profiles:

1 rmdir "C:\users" /S /Q

2 mklink /J "C:\users" "D:\users"

and lastly ProgramData:

1 rmdir "C:\ProgramData" /S /Q

2 mklink /J "C:\ProgramData "D:\ProgramData"

If you have any permissions issues while deleting C:\ProgramData don't worry
about them just try to delete it and make the links again after first reboot

Now open regedit simply by typing regedit on the cmd window

To change the program files path navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion and edit
the ProgramFilesDir and CommonFilesDir as needed

For the user profiles you'll need to go to

NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList and again edit the paths as needed

Exit Regedit and the cmd window

Continue to create your user

Reboot your machine and you should be good to go

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