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Jesan Manares Speech Project

BSBA-2 October 17, 2010

Global Warming is Alarming

It is so hot in noontime and suddenly it will rain so hard. The river is once big,
now only a duck will enjoy its swimming. Worst of all, no electricity again? How can I
finish my speech project this way?

It is not only a problem that I am concerned. It is a problem that the world is

facing and is slowly suffering nowadays. This is all brought to us by Global warming.

Global warming is the increase in the world’s temperature. These are mainly
caused by none other than but human ourselves.

I hate to accept my fault but it is true. We, humans just bring each other
problems. And Mother Earth is so generous that she is not capable of not giving us back
what we give to her, like pollutions and not taking good care of her.

The Amazon rainforest is said to be the world’s lungs or the world’s oxygen-
giving part. It produces almost one-fourth of the world’s oxygen, if I am that exact. But
this rainforest is also a spot for human activities that may destruct it. Imagine your own
lungs when you smell a burnt rubber. You will feel like you cannot breath and you will
start coughing in few seconds. Just as you feel that way, the earth or the globe to be
clear will also experience the way you felt. The worst things occur, more than a cough,
when this pollution continuously surface. Calamities like flooding, volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes and tsunamis are a few.

The Ondoy supertyphoon is one of those symptoms of our ill Mother Earth. Then
we realize that it will all come back to us. All the muds from the dirty canals. All the
garbage disposed in our oceans and rivers and even street sides. All will come back to

How rotten this Global Warming is talked about, we should always remind each
action that we take that everything we give to our nature will always come back to us.

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