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Formar un ser humano integro con sólidos valores morales

English Worksheet
Tema: Adverbs.
Nombre: ______________________________________________________________ Curso:
1ero Medio
Fecha: Puntaje Total: 55 Puntaje
obtenido: _________

An adverb is a word that describes an action verb.
1.-Subrayar los adverbios en las siguientes oraciones e indicar de que tipo
son (frecuencia, tiempo, modo, lugar, etc)
1. I carefully glued the last piece onto the model. _______________
2. Francis played on the beach yesterday. ________________
3. I will visit my friend tomorrow. _________________
4. George, will you come here? _________________
5. They swam lazily in the pool. _________________
6. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house. __________________
7. They cheerfully sing songs. __________________
8. Nathan stamped his feet angrily. __________________
9. My father snored loudly on the couch. __________________
10. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice. ___________________
11. Yesterday, they played a game. __________________
12. The truck grumbled loudly. _________________
2.-Encerrar en un círculo la respuesta correcta (adjetivo o adverbio según
1. You have to be more ________. careful carefully

2. We have to walk more ________. We're late! quick quickly

3. I did this ________. willing willingly

4. He was ________ to help me. willing willingly

5. They speak English very ________. well good

6. You did your homework very ________. good well

7. My grandfather is very ________. clever cleverly

8. He speaks very ________. quiet quietly

9. Our neighborhood is very ________. quietly quiet

10. What a ________ movie! great greatly

11. He speaks French pretty ________. bad badly

12. The movie we saw was pretty ________. bad badly

13. Our cat was lying around ________ lazy lazily

14. Robert is a very ________ person. lazily lazy

15. Her room was ________. bright brightly

16. Her room was ________ decorated. beautiful beautifully

17. I love your apartment! It's so ________. colorful colorfully

18. He keeps his room ________. clean cleanly

19. Our neighbors are always ________. helpfully helpful

20. You can ________ get there from here. easy easily

3.-Ordenar las oraciones (recuerda que generalmente los adverbios se ubican

después del verbo, pero existen algunas excepciones)

1. dictionary / often / use / The / the / students

2. I / fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without
3. try / police / keep / The / order / always / to
4. see / usually / Jennifer / out / goes / a / to / concert
5. often / money / Sally / her / borrows / friends / from
6. my / My / spoils / neighbour / holidays / always
7. lived / never / Tom / Sidney / had / before / in
8. angry / Our / teacher / English / usually / is
9. car / I / drink / never / if / drive / I / alcohol / a
10. Billy / Don Quijote / My / has / cousin / never / read
11. T.V. / ever / hardly / I / in / watch / evenings / the
12. occasionally / hands / meals / before / his / boy / The / washes
13. been / My / before / sister / abroad / never / has
14. public / We / transport / use / frequently

4.-Reescribir la oración usando el adverbio entre paréntesis ubicándolo

donde corresponda.

1.Have you been to Boston? (ever)


2.He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes) →


3. The weather is bad in November. (always) →


4. It rains in California. (never) →


5. We have fish for dinner. (seldom) →


6. She see him. (rarely) →


7. Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually) →


8. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always) →


9. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever) →


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