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Build 1210

* Issues Found (All versions ViGlance) - Repaint start menu bug (With XP Start m
* Fixed - Various focus bugs
* Fixed - Potential ViStart orb integration (Requires new version of ViStart)
* Fixed - Pinned items not being dumped from memory to hard drive (on request)
Build 1194
* Fixed - SubMenu random popups (especially in full screen)
* Fixed - Flashing desktop bug
* Fixed - Recovery from Windows Explorer failure
* Fixed - Continously restarting ViGlance (when taskbar could not get visible)
Build 1172
* OneStep fix - New skin is overwritten for old versions of ViGlance
* Added - Pinned support
* Added - Aero Peek (Thumbnail static support) + Hyprid live capture
* Added - Process dragging/sliding
* Fixed - Sp2 Application system menu 'weirdness'
* Fixed - Invisible taskbar bug (on startup)
Build 1077
* Fixed - Context Menu on full screen application being hidden
* Fixed - Windows Update (SP3) bug
Build 1065 - Marked safe for Vista Beta Testing
Public Version XP
* Fixed - Inacurate Font detection for Segoe UI (Tahoma,Arial now used when Sego
e UI isn't available)
* Fixed - Vista Only (unlock/lock taskbar issue)
* Fixed - SuperBar Icon resizing bug (when taskbar is locked/unlocked)
* Fixed - No Vista Support
* Fixed - No Windows Seven Support
* Fixed - tray menu hiding on Windows Vista
* Added - Errors.log file (If available, submit this with bug reports)
Build 1049 - Marked safe for Public
* Fixed - Explorer "Close All Windows" failed
* Fixed - Sometimes no item appeared on taskbar when launched
* Fixed - When sub menu is triggerd, rollover seemed to fail (on launch only)
* Fixed - Old taskbar trying to re-appear
* Issue - Breaks Font detection
Build 1037 - Internal release
* Fixed - Draw(Glide) flicker bug
* Fixed - Restore window as not maximized bug (when it should be maximized)
* Fixed - Quick launch on top bug
* Fixed - ViGlance stealing focus on showing window list menu
* Fixed - Window menu sometimes not showing up
* Fixed - Improved full screen detection (again)
Build 1035 - Internal release
* Fixed - Strange hanging problem

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