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CIlIRIUhln;1lj P;6 ... l!.


ernc:l~e'ss, poSslbl!~ltl,ell


"J!;, strive for better ~t'format1loo s~'Joulld bE>' the (Ore of en orgaFllzaittlon, t'IlOiit SE>'eKS success, Tra,ldcraU has been u!>ilngl tJh@ .Sf!rvJO;! of I nnovislon for the last two y@,us... W@ found them most professlonal and ilIlway$ eag,f!~ to perform bettf!~.W~ are ple~$ed to ob.setvetn<luney {'Ire growitilg,. Growth rnaans d'Jange and ohalflge Oi,lwO()o'$ Invdves risks but tlley arE>' hOlt JietE>'rred bytllese rlsks,"

SIIlO'ined fe:rdiou~ (QUlhtry DIIf>~coor

i~aid(Fah IExdhalng:1'1! • Barngllad~slh Cm.lllMrll Offic@

Iliha'!.l'e found Ilrrmovisi:orn'SS@FV,i(f!S 'to be \l'ery thellp,fll..lll irn mrnrexw!al~21ing the Mark.@t [}il1! ... elopment

ill pproach to the ru ral contex:tt ilfl wh idnWo rid Vi$ialFI wmk:s. I nnovtslon's staffifs, hv~ VItO~l1::oo s,ide by sid e ou r ;>(ai'fS to develop a propose I that meets th e need 5 C1Hhl!~ very pom w,ith market ~ecl services.

lOan IMme111

Se,nior Technical Advioor, t.tolilOnnit IDe'Vello[pnnelllt Wml~d VLs!ion LI'S

IKatallls't Ih a s been working wimh I,nlnov,isioln in fillcil;irlIatling systfmic changl'1!5 ~n. SQi'1Ile' ohh,e (mitical :5~cta rs of Katr{'l,lys,1I. We h<l'!l'E! found tne In novislon team to be dyn.amic and adilptive to the RlMP approachi whiicn has helped IIJS todesiqn and implemernt innO'Va'i:i'Ve interventiionsifor our sectors ..


IDill'ector, Rmal15edors ,Groulp IKatalllst

"Actiof'lffm IEmerp rise has teamed with Inrnovisiof'l 'to desiglfl m,uke1I developmernt pmg~a ms iln ~VE!rilll countries and has, be~n imp~es,sed by their profe:ss,ion{' and I!,J ndersta tildilflg -of tihe private :sector.-

IFranik ILuslby IEwewlive Dilr~~o:r Actiornfur Enrl:erp:nise

", .• The teaiTT1l worked <r reu i1It1~ne dotk to JLllfllll req uests, pr.ovide aillallysis,. idelMify key in couatry ~e!>ol.I'H:e~ and make th e necessa ry liln kag,es fm the MYAP proposal for IJ SAIID_1:1he entire team demenstrated mmmitrnenttoe),'celleme and pil~ience with asernatlmas dllal letilgli til 9 precess, wniGh made 'tthierrn both reliable and <r pleasure to work wit:n.1 believe tha'~ OUII' collaboration wit:n InMVi~iQn Comulll:i ngl added 'IIi1.1ue to om @ffom.,alnd wou ld be pleased to work witlh lIh@ma,gairn and to racommand th ern fo,r otiller p roj,e(t'S."

M~dh@lIil'1! St@m

IDIIFectoor, New 6uslltlie:ss lDe,velOipment ACDIIIJOCA.

Wa5ih~ngton DC

With bonds on fieJd experience in 16 agricultural and industrial sub-sectors and value chains in about 40 districts and 7 divisions of

Ba .. ·.n.9· .• .Iadesfl, w.e are :the.: leader on research and

project management services tor agribusiness and enterprise development,.I,;veUhood and food security issues.


lnnovision Comulting Private Limited supports development projects, rNGO~ multilateral ag'em:ies, aid ag'em:ies, lPublic and pnivaw sector development partners to desigln,manage, evaluaw and communicate their projeas..With hands on field @){peniilmc@ in 16 a!:llric~ltural ~ndl i~dlLJl_sHial sub-sectors and value chams in about 4Q districts and 7 dlvislons of Bangladesh, we cue the leader on research and project management services for aqrlbuslness alild enterprise development, livelihood and food secuflity issues. Since its Inception in 2006, lnnovtslon hal> served a dlversfted pODI Qf clients, which include UN[)P, W"Jrild rood Proglramme (WFP1 lntemationel LaoollJr Orgallizatio,n (lLO},.ACDWOCA. Ii>m.ject Concem Irn~ernatJional ~:j)Clll, Palli Karma Shiahayak FO!JndatJioll (Fl K.SF~, Katatvst, Action fur En terp rtse (AFE), In'i:erlilati 0 na I iDeve loprnent Ernterprise (IDE),. Imertoop~~atJiorn, World Vision, Traidcraft Exchalilg~,.DeveIClpment Wheel (DteW}. Bangladesh Fumlture Inom-tnes Owners Assodatlcn (IlAFIOA) and HAIIL

lnnovisien is led by a team of young professionals brought together from different education and professional backqrounds, This diversifies our e;.:,pertJi~e and illcreases our competencv to serve a wide range of customers all at a time and with the same degree of quality ill service deli..,-~ry,



bill(}vlSj'OJl ,mppOr{,'!!pd!1(ll'e seCW'j" led ,eC()IM)mic develo1(im:mf ihi'()ugh speck'lllz,ed researcl» Ott the /oUr:mmg areas:

Value Chain and Subsector Assessment

We support enterprise development projects to select alnt:! assess pro-poor an<l economically slgn,litlcai'lit va,lue cbalns ln tihel,r targeted regiot1ls.,Our ,specialty Il,es on value dh<!llt1Ideve:lopmet1lt st1rateg les a iidl interveiiti'lOtlS whicih alre built 0111 our }'"e.US of bands 0111 e:>ipe,rilenice lin

I mp lemei'litlln~ v<!I:lJIech~lfI deve!t:lpme,nt proJe-cts,

Ilileoofil't Win~ lliidude

'Shldy oi'l,llniforma,1 MI,llk, Marke't'for il'l'tercooperaltlolll <llIId K_ataliyst

'Puls.e <llIId 0111:; Sub-sector Study lin Ilarlsall ilIlFld Noal\J~alll regllon"for tihe Rural 8nterpr~se Development ~REI)) component Uindler MIDPCR Plroject Imp'leme,nted by IDL Funded by IIFAD and I.GW-

'Anally,sJls alnt:!IProgram Design, in, t,ne Wheat ant:! Wooll Product V<!I'ue Chailll,s Ilt1I Gtlor [Provl nee, Afg:~'<Stan" fo,r USAID f,umded MullU Year Assistal'lce Pwglram {MYAP} Implemei'l,ted byWlolflcl \11$1:0111,st.m .md led by the',con~llJll~ii'l'ts, o~ Action for Enterprl,se' ~AFE),

'Stu.tlIy on MIlJ,s'hroom 5'ub-5«tor Ii'll Sa ngIIMe:sh' tor P<'lIlili Karma :S'h<il\aya k Foulnd a'~lolII (PIKSIF) ~nder the IFEDEC Project.

S'ub-sector s.~udy for Ciultu re filsh li'l, th,e IProJect Mea 'l!Il'Ider Cycl!olFlE:: A'ff«tedl Aquatultme RehillbJlllitatJOIII Project (CAAIRP-2)-

Identify an d assess plilorlty valu.e challrls t(ldes'lgll11 the LocalllEcon;Om:lc Developmelllt (LED) progra,m f()r ChiuOIgong Hlllllliract.s Developnnent lFar:iJI,ty (CiI-fTDF) 'ulnder UNIDP;

Food Security and Livelihood Ana~ys~s

For th,e ultra poor alnd the vullnef<lbl!e oommtmlties.;rood sec:ulrilty Is the major Issue thliltdlctates 1111V'eliihooo. We 'take a ~temlc l:ens lin al'lal¥~lnig food secliJlrlity and IIvellllhood am~ suppcrt deve40p ment programs to t1fIOlblUlz~ pubilic <'lind prlva,te resources that woold[ help ImpffOVE prcductlon.househcld income anod eccess to 'food fortl'le targeted benefldariles,


5ub-5.iKtor :>ludy and dJev.elopmelllt of IG.A. Pwrile5 for IJ ltra P-om WOiinei1lfur IFood! Seoliinity for the IJ Itra POOir IPrqjett ofWo:rlldi roocl Pro9lramliTle'.

Project Design

1IIi"IIi'IOVi slon Is c·ontrlbut, 1"19 to the dJevelopmelllt sector to des gill acenom c dieve'loptnet1lt projects; liI\lellllhood alFldl bod secu lit)! p:rog rams '~naUmpact th'lOIl.l san dscf poor li>ene41,cia,rles wltJn sus.tal:nable Ilt1Itelf'Jfenltlom.

ReGefillt wQirks fn:dud'e

S.ulPPortllng ACI)INOCA to research •. clieslgiil and bl:d 5JUloces,sfuIIIV f(llrthe"~ve-year USAIID MILllltl, Year Ass~s:tance' Pro9ram (MYAP) fow the yearr 2m 0-2m 5" The progr<'llm, <lJpt1ly IFlamed Iby In't1Io\l'lslon a<s, Program for StrengrU'Iet1lln9 I-I!ous,ehol!d's Acceils to [Resources ( l!llIIderway 'fiFOm Jiune 2:0'1 O.

Partlllers1hl:p' wlthl WOlrld Vision n devel!opl1ll9 their proposal for IWi tla'tiIngi market develiopmemt approach based program Ilt1Illanglladlestlfor the very fi:rst'tlltne.lhe prog:ra mls expe-ctecl to mn from October 2m 0 to Septembe:r 2015. This proglf<lm wlll also I'leip In shifting the overall! program oW WIorld Vision, In, [B,mgd1atlesh 'towards a, more nnar~t drllVen and su,stailllaible approach by lneerpcratlnqthe lessen S I'ea nntthlrough thl s project.

Baseline Survey

,A p:llJ!pe~ anda,ccmalle ba:;.el~n,e SUlirvey' iis '(In.::tialll fur pmject start-up.Ac(1~racy and Simpllitil~ ilm data alnal~si5 ClIF€Wnat We 5:~ri\le for.

Recelfltw,o:l'k::s; include

[la:>ellilne5~r\!ey for Gdd.em F.1ibre -5!~stalimablle Ih!\eilihoCld ~r Jute Gim'i!Jle'F:Si3Jmdl PrOdIUCE'ir!> ill fialngll!ade5n Piroje<t. !funded by UIKAIID <llndl ~:m:plemE'n'ted D:Y Trali:d(lra~l' odhange.inl pairmerslhip With TAIRAINGO.

RaSellill'1l@ SUII'¥€!Y roJ th~ $lIJist:aili1albl@ LJi\t~1 ilhoodl fo:r Poor PrOOUCf!lrs (SILIIPP,) pmj@ct ~n Mym~li1:singlh alridllNl@trokoli1a f'l.m,d,oo by ~urop~a:n lJinio:n, (l)·,ruli1d@d by T~a,id(Jah [~hiiilng!f! 1I1i1d iJmpil@mf!lflt~d by D@'!.I'~I:opm~m Wh~~11 ~D@W).

Scoplnq Study

w~ :mppmt d@\!@lotplmf!iflt IPlFOj~ts and the Ipri'.!'a!:€! sector ~o d.@:t~rmi 1'11@ the ~op@alli1d f@lI~ilb~liitry of p reduets and s~wi~~~ catf!rinQ loth~ poor p:roduc~rs,lrmall WI'1lSIlJI~~:S as w~III,a,~ the mba:n markst.

R@(ll!nllwoull( ilildudes

F@i1sibill~ty s!tllJdy of ol~ri 1'1191 ~~rtillliz€!lr recommendation

th rollJglh d~ff@r'l'1!m 1(1 Clh,lIIi1Ifl@b (Gram@@n IPhiOIi1@ [Ie iilnd Ra:nglallili1UigYilshiil 7(76) i1101'1lgl wfith IF~~tillliz€!lr lM@com· mendation Softwa'F@ ~FRS) a@\!~liotp@dl by the l:ndlustlF)l and Rurall $@cmrs Gro'Up(IIIMSG) ofIKatally§t, illi1 palrtli1@lrshilpwirtrhi $o,ill R@s~a,~ch 1IIi1a 1tI@\t~lopm~m Ili1:SnitllJrtr~ (SIFi:DII).

Polky Review

WithollJlt iilppmpria,c@ ali1dwl'1ldllJ:civ~ policies micro@m~rp:nis@~ ar@ IF€!Shi:ctf!dl to fleurish, 'iN@ ,SUPPOlrt poil~(y malk~rs to assess na,cioli1all r@I~Viillflt no micro, SI'1Il<IIIII and medium ~l'1It@rp~its@d~wllop~I'1IL


~As~ssm@nt off th~ N1Itiona,1 Pol~ci@s for Agri:mllnm@, Fish ~~i,~sall'1ld LJi'!.l'~srodk Sub-sector' for $ustaili1albl~ lhJ@lilihooo of Pom IPmd'l~[~r:s (SlllPf']lIPlFOj~t,co,,;ruli1d@d by [ulFOp'@'.:In Commissfioli1 ~Eq and 1rlraidC~af;t [Xdhali1g@ and ilmpil@m@lflt@d by D@\t~lopm~mWh~~11 (~W).

Monitoring & lmpact Assessments

PmJ~t5 Iflel@dl no assess a I'1Idl m:mmunicalc~th~i r ilmpacts... w~ hal'l@ ~1'11 practi}cili1g the mOl'1lito:nilflg 1IIi1d impact ass@s5m~li1t:ffiriilm@wo:rlk ciham:piol'1l@d by _Katall~5t,th,~ lalFg@st market d@'!,oI~lbpm~mlI Proo1@ct ~n IBalli1gla.a~s!h_wlhi:ch @~llusilV€!lly practices Malkili1g M.:Ilrlk@ts Workrorth@ Poor (MMW4P) h.:l~l,l'llmlk.

Makilill, MJa'riket:s 'W:o:rk f~rthe P'ODI' (.MMW4!P) Compelltive~ess. wtn~dl calli be'sMflply Pliil as the enll~<flillhe:;' abihly to cater to '~he' m;;:ukd demand, i5, a rsm ttl sustain gll"m~mL Thi~ i~ aclhi@\,I',@\d if 5-UppO rt Junctions II ke IN ~ikel ililforflil:1ilio:1l.. :sldlls devE'lo ptn£!'t .. r, rese.<iKIiI ,a IiId deveffi,l!lllTleliit. trim s[ponation, mmmu n leahoI'! S@MC(!S<llllid ililfl<lstructurofl ar,@ av,a:i'lab!~ and ihh~ r,e.g'lJlatiorls dkfl:ating tl1i:e rri"iu~e't .mo' <lIPproprlaite fOlr business '2')i!p,ms'ion. De 9Qy,ermme'n~, !private sector, trade a.s,s&ciati'om. ilUU {Oll' profn ~@CiI'or aim· t!Ti~ !'italkehQld@~

that d iUi1Iile ~h:e< ~lippor~ njncl~ol'll S ,and trne reglJl~l()n s and tnel'efOre5e,rv~ as th~ Ike)l'~ t'Q the develeprnem of <In efflehmt m.ukoe't s.Y$tem underl,\iJ1ich ~he ei'lt.erpfisf:~ altri De<OI'lfle oompt',li[ive. We- ~lher,~ror,e point1ne-r with mer-e-

~w koeho Ider~ iUld! bl,lltld 'Iflile\lr '~P'I:I:;U"l.nQun d til ~ milrk~t ~ystem .~ :soppo,jf! tMU~!M .. ds or mIOr''O, s'mall and mediu m em€!rprl~~ ~ornpetin'lfely i:eJve'lllie' I1iI.iId:.e'[ and sLJ:ualrn

gr(lwth, -

VallllH~ '[lila i n (i)!eiU'ellcip.l1iIle:mt

i3a$e~ on the MM~'!I'lIf1' <!pproach we' i!llte;r'{eoe In selected valli e c:liiains. in n,a1uonca! o:r reg iolMl'l 000 pe'~o reac!;

tl1m.! S~i'I(j~ O'r poor f'lfmers .11'1(1 1lI1I1r:~Q. 'sl!'I\!I1I ~n d mad IUIIT! !l'nllerpr1~~~" 'We ati~eS$ valuoe oC,l1ailils·lo ~ ~~e-nmi ne ma rkst 9 rmvtn pote'l'I~i<lli and <om,~1rain1'S ,at th~ 1!.rr~C!rpris(l ;]I nd Sle'CtrJW le'J.i\e'll ~h!<1ld,E!wr ~he elllte1pfiS'e's tc ben e<fil ffo m thE! growtn,'l \l'alu~ ~liiaillil de'll,ekilpment we nea'te pro~i sionfor krnoJ.'iledg:!!!, rnfo:nl'mtiof1l a nd ~kill5-for eniteFplises ''011'11:£1'1 hE!lp thel1ll im,pfiOve th:e,I,reQm~~ltN~ Hess.

La'call lEoonom~c li)elf,e!I!~p[IiI1!!'r1it ([LlE[)~

Wtlile our value ch~lfflS <100 MMW4P rrr.u1l1lewo:r1k ~~ellp U$ ;51L1:;;~in eccncmtc gw1;'ll!!h dOQ!S'.i sever."'1 rleg IQ!m,and withi n a spocified p rodlllJrt. maTkf!t (ll[ <iJv,a11ILJ@ chai n, th€! LED FraJrrtework Is e:lCt:hJis~l/El'1y wed l(H;jleve:lop thE?

eco flOmy of a de1iiI1~(errilQry 'I i~e ill dil~rict and iflvolves i I'I't@r""~n1iiol'1.s i iii sif!<'IJ'@ral prioJIi:lizOO vall!l:ll' .dhailils [lill 'WI-dcil thousands of poor bc~nefh:lilrh~s (an M- ,collillmer.cia[ly englacged"i..E.1D incmpor<lll'e~vollue cheins afl,aI systemic' market d{!\I@Ic~mf!nt an!l:l E!,lrt@oos.tlii€! ~'(0fi'@ tOo ~l1if,ras;truc· ttl!'\? devek)lPmel'lt.S)I.ii'ler,giY belw,e-~rI ,comml1nity de\!'~nopment and local eccoomic dev:~r!JiPmefit c'limai~~ chaFig~ attribuliOifl !liifld cfeo1ltiion ar g~en JO'~ for ~tlnalnable d'e-'!fe~opme~n a,lld inclusN'e e-colilomic


C:I ucs:ler [)eve~op m:ellllt

"I~;s,~ r~ <l r-e 9 togr<JJphl(' 'COn",enlf;;!l~kllI'S of IWI~er-COl'llrle~te<l eo m pan ie'"s, spec1.i11kzild 5!l.1 pplier~ J:e;ri,!Jc~ pllO""id~r~, ,f'! I'IId o;l~WCI!ll~d I n:!illlll.ndOIi1l~ I III al parUcul<! r rleld lih~l ;l~e

presen t in a !'hHtcl'l or ~gioill. TIIIrO'Uglii, c:l'u:;~er (hirl,llelop· ment W.e' t;.~lpeliliK!rp:miSes inlr'earo their pNloduc~'ivity by ImprO,'!;1ing forw;:lF()l,:m{i m.,ckw..-nd Ilflkage~ and ,a'iS'o by

Ii: nsu rl ng gNMil~fI d!~ iieEi' of horiz>o irltal ~in kag~s Of i n~er nlrm rflI1l'ti{)mnips.,


O,ur inlenlff!fJiia,,,s Jf!m:I,to ,(!,Il-Hml'Cl->d COfl'JH!'i.I, {if ,ente; in t{I'rgeUtiecl'ol"s. Slo1b~.tXiors tlmJ l~Orue; ,r:h«h'l·', Thts helps ro/I:"f: imxmuif poverty. itlC'te.ase fQod grain Pf!(#;11J(;tiOlJ ,(IfNI illllJ.'fOW Ih 'IiFwm#' of fIde pooJ" ,tl'J't:illgh hlCll!(J.'~''fJ Imwrelwld hrc.,'ome. Oil' #"tr;:rl'l;:nfWI1S(I/\l ,. 1,'Mm d i~;~mld fojilltJ' Ill!: II ··d (~rIJw is.1H:Ci/ic :'IIO-SC '/{w oj" OU! va/iiI.! dUJlI:!s. lIN! ,~mtc'11Ji'ii f!' and'the! nmrke1 .>J~>tltl'l'l:!l: fl,l'u'liicn 11111 I!tl''ftfprise:s a~ c,,{J'lI,!prNJng, A ; fl n,!'".W,'lfllatur ,qf K maJy,o;t" (m'el oJ lin! lIJ(J$y !il(lphi,~tjmll.~ 1I}.ar!w d.{!l'f!/(lp'" lirem INVjiU:,JS ;;,J llre ",-,arlcl fimclrJd' b J" a timID,. commrt~',I,m'l f,Vil;ij)I'I;i;lng UK AM. CWA (Ca~,a.d;a.rI '.'11 . .ftrlfCIJuJnai De~''(t!o{)mem JligelKJ9. sOC (SI,lJj;SS as.~Ilt;'yf01" DeNocfoJ)m.m_, (:1.nilCoofM!r(I"i{J.lQ QI~d ~tre Hl1IhtLH;} of Ne~h~l'hmd~'), I'JrWI'ISWJ~ hOI: sa jiw h/~erw:'IJ'(,';d m -\'(;!~d,~,

(/(11.1(1, 'lilture aml.jentll;:cr !mb-.~(u:;Wt',\. rl!IO lie! C/,'Ij ml

til 10 'IIftml/tl'll'J! ,>cIaI' Cl/Jd 'litH)}'1 ()rjelJi~ j! 11($1 J

nU';FYlUt) been {'vmmis 'kllled to lmwl'j.joll by K«lalrl.

Fertilizer Market Development

1111'110:1115001'11 (OflSli .. iI;!iflg PfiV:iilt'~ Umlll.oo h!a's,_b~@n Imriemenlll'llg 'the pfojec.l aJ5 aI co.(acl~ltakl r of KiiI~aly$l ~ll'lO

20051; Major 1 ntervenUons indude pro metingl approlPrialle lJiS.e O'f balian:c~clI 'fenm~er ~'hrough fertlilzer inpYh;ompanielll,lCT Olnd m.ac5S mOOi.ald,evelopilng and promoting improved mmpos,t iledlmollo!rY, strengthening (ompClst $ourting and dlliStlibutiol1lnet'lMnl'.. O'f-compOi,t producers, and illU::i'easing a'NaJiellle:li5 on rcmpost usaqe,

By'completion of thits pro~ect Ii 1'1 10112, Innovision will pr(lllide technkill ijiSlji~liJTIce to about .20 prj,Vill~ f~um~er and comp-Clst p rodlu:dn.gand W!81ril:.etl nS) com:pijf!i!~whielh willi reach -100JJOO' farmers plrod I.Jclll'ng Tilce, 'li'ege~jJble, mai.ze, jute· <ilnd potato and IfiCrea~e tflelr Iincome b)r ~mpro'lJled soil r-enlliW and Iprod'I.I(.uvl~_

Stimulating Growth of Exportable Fish & Promoting Export

Sillc:e!l!ne .201 O.lrmov1si:01ll has been implernerHi!'1,QI the P-ifOject tiUed "StlllTlulO!!till$jl growth iill cultuwe offish - iJ)eCIeS that have hIgh e(l(pon polJeilll'lal ameli promotiflg

fr;(port· of til'ios.e specles· as C.o4a(Jlllltator of Kat<l~y£jt Some' of ~h@ ,key' ir1ltt!lf'I/M[ilO IU of this pr,oJ,C'c::t' i I'lIcludlf! lilli!:ilRl9 l1atc.ll'u!!r1@!> w.ith Bal'l9ladl~sh RiSh IFi@!>i:!,1m:::h ~In~~itut@ {BtIRI) 1:0 inorellrS-@ pn;ldIJJlctiivity am:! qw~ilty (Dr fi ng~rhngs" d~op'i f1Ig Fn?I rbt li nkag:e,s ooMealli m@ farm!\!r~ and ~hl! il'lpulsuppl'ier.; for il1(r!~as.ed1 knowledge> on ill! puts and Pclfafl1lOt~o.r!!(If ;:;:y~t!!,l~e qfh[Jg'lr! vall[.le e-xpo rtable fh;h . species,ijm,pr(!vIIFlQlllink.ages, betwee.n tile pr:oduc:ecllS.<!nd the blil¥en or hig h vallJ e Ii' !h:lifi)e'Ci .'~ in the 10;;;:411 I ii'Il<Ilrtel. linking farmei"S wl~h processing pllant:s andl trainIng! on fi~h p~"'OdII1't' processing OIinde~onlng.

By c.ompiletJion oHhls projeu in2.013,lnM,vi!;iol'i Vllill dfirectly reach about gtj,,2 5, fldl falTl1'Elf1i crIerm households and oonefit about 524100 im:lividua'is.

Ilmproving the Local Furniiture Iindustry of Bangiliadesh

The ImduS'try and Rurai Sectors ,Group of 1(00laiys't w~rks in selected! fUf<ll <l1I1(i ill'ldusUil<ll1 se<:t,Of5 of win ichrumilNJie' sector is a promin ent one' in terrra of enli.ll'geme nt: and @XIXIrt !}otentill,1 slnce 2C1M.lnliloYis;ion is the co·facihtator of ~hi5 V'@l'IiLJF@' i In IImpro\ the locall FLJmiItLJT€! Ilnrlus;try ~pm@11t Proj~(1t sin.c'@ May, 2m 1(D_lnnoviISiQI'I is fa(ilita1i I'Ig t~€! glrowth of the local rurn ltura manIJJ]aClJl!.lrets 'thTOOgih! il'!(J~1l'Sed p~odUCJIMlY, bener m~rke'til'l'!]l j\"i'JI'>ilctioes j'!ll'Id il!'!C:lrlll<1!SledlliJ'!,k.:Igewi1Jh 'the- CJlllstOm.e~~ iOI the national m!lrket 11m p<lrtnen!hlj:l 'Nith 18anghidlesn I'umiture I'ndusmies, oOvmers' Association (8/lJFIOA), ~'he lregioul cM,ptei'S,of BAF~OA, miillCl'linooes"iliid r,aw maJterials pililXllII:c,ers. impOirte rs a nd distributors, InreTVe ntio 1iI:li will liIeilp impFo ... ·e production tedmiql![es, market promonen s,tlfilt@9ilil.s (both Business.te 9l11iSim!,ss and BLJsin~.s to Customers) and create acresste production consultancy:

seNc@S;,wood s.€!ROO@S. sikill d@'il@IQopfl1@lfI~ -

tr;:lining:!i and fih'1alnoi~1 s~rvices.

By 2G~ 3, I !'1lf!oyijsl,on willlm:li'ellse (lomp~i:I'tivefl;~ss of 5,600 ilI'Ikro.:small andl mediulm flUnurliture manll..i'fl!ic:rurers and ,~,ooo.IlaIb(i!rs across selE!<C'i:ed dU5,te,rs, In Balngl'iu:te:sh.


Ma,rket IDevelopme:nt in the Madar~pu r andShariatpur eu It.ure Fisheris:s Sub-sector

Illnl!1O'!IilsfiO'Iri mmpl~red tih@ P~Oj!Kl1 "Ma~ll::~l1 D@'!I~I!olPrTfiEmt (]iffth~ CUllturli! flI5h@ri~~ sub-sector fin Mad<l r~lPm &:

Sltla,riatpm" in F@b~uar)l, 20'1 o.,.IK@), ilrit£!lIv!mti:om O'ff tih@ IProJ@-Ct induded str~l'lIg:tih~l'lIfingth~ lilrilkag:~ Ib@tw~~1ri s@IIi!C11E!d i I'lIpUi11 rTfialri'L.lIf<lctmilngl corTfipalri lss <llndilnmS@niI!l5 ,I!@'<ld 'ffarrTfi@rs and amtd.~~~for p:rovisiol'll of IproP@IF lknowll!ldlg~, inffmma,l1ion and !>kiliis Olri approp~i<ltl'lffiisih culltm~, premeticn of corTfirTfiullrifit)l basedflsh culture fin flood plains tlhrouglih '!I<lllul~ cihain int~rl1llffifiarril~.s lilkE! erotdars and nurseries, l1rainilngl Olri approprri<ltf! pr<lwn mana.g@m£!lnt and falFl1Ililngl tl'lchni:qu~s &: promotion of lFEladyre@d lIhmugh finput providers. n,~ p~o~@ct also

fint~. rV~I'lI@d ro., dl.~v~l.o. p Sh.O~g. ..... asd Ilill'll.ka. g~ ..... iith.t.ih,~ hatcheries to promote hal1ICh~ry sourcedpost lalr'rt<l@& fincr'E!as,ilngl acc~s.:sfibilllit)llIo i I'll forrTfiati:on on prop€!lrCtllll!1iv1i. tion techn!5c

IllnlriO'!IilSfiO'Iri partnered wJtih IP<lragoln IFi5h ~@E!d (ompa,I1lY to tJrailri 211_2 filn~~rI ilng producl!lr~{Iri'~r51'i!~i~s~ and 52 ,d:~<lIf!lrs, IllnlriO'!lliSllO'Iri aliso Iparnn~rr~d ..... Irtih ';ihad@sih Ulrilnayan Slhall'llgstihaGopal!gan~ (51!1SGi) .a,lrid buillt tlhl'i!il~ C~lPaclit)l ill tirail!1 25ffilO'od p,lailri rTfial!1<1g@rTfi@nt grr,oup~ aad 30. ill'llpUi11 IPro¥lidll'i!~~fort1oodllplaill'll based fi~rn mllIDurl!l, As <I ~@S!ult of the p:noj:~ct:'s filr'lt~w~l'lIniO'I'lIS lIhE!ffiisih f<ilnmf!.rs in the tWQ di~lIrict~ reported 25% fincCr@a~ ilri productJi'!lilty dluf!to better use of ilri puts as flll'lIg@rlill'llg,fff!E!d <llndl aqlu<I

cihf! rnicsls dmill'llg pond p~~p<llratiolnstag:~, i mp:no¥£!d fl1:!@dl appllica,tiolri aad USf! of lread~fu@d .a,l'lldI20·]Q% rr~dm.11ion fin mortallilily of 1Jh@ fing@lrllilrigs, Locall fish producnen mcrsased by254! m~trric ton dtl.~ to fincr:~a,~ ilri prr,odulctiiO'I'lI fin tih@tloodflpllaill'llS, Niln@tl'i!@1ri {~9J wl1llmulniti)~s ih<l'!ll'i! starrt@diffilood pllailri ba,s£!dffiisih cultulre ill'llall'lld about 380 acres PO.lIH@:S Ip@rtloodIIPllaill'llo:n an <I\!@~.a'9f!} whicih crr~<ltlf!d 35<0 main day.s of jobs p@rtloodilplaill'll" li1hli! floodl plains rt!m:ndl@d a lIotall proifllt (]iff IEiDli 26,60.000,

Markel Dev,elopment I~n 8eed Sector of Bangladesh

OWir thf!' p~rri.Qdl Ju 1'lI@ 200& JUII'lIf! 20.10, 1ll'lIlnovisi:on p<lr~n~r>wwitlh fiv.e !!,~@-d comp<tnfi@$ • MM Isp"Ih~lnil Ud, Molillilk~ SeeJ (ompany,.Un It:ed :S~S :S'tQr~,GI<mit Ag1ro Pmc@ssilngll.:,td and G[fCO .AgIFO Visiol'll Ltd, M ·Ii!n,rnanc@

HJ p,ply of qLli<ilill!y ~s ilFillhe n~UjoFilal ~rrlke~ and in(r~""se t~'1~ ~ISIe ofqUl"III'ty ~$ atU1>e con~Yl'lfler ~t1ldl Ma~or ilrlt~r'!lli!lrilliom .of the p:roj:~ct: ill'lldudl@d • ilnclFEl<lsill'llgl pr,od~l(:tJion .afqua,[lity $eed through fOlrm;)1 seecll ~O:I1~rllC~ glwwing t~a~nlh1]g and lPos;t-h~rv~.stt~a~n,llt1ig actliVl1'ti1es, st~~l!1gth~lrifilngth~ surpplly of qluality s~~d in the domestic marl!:;~t~hrroug he).'lpO$!LIire v~!!'im.s to inte:rlfllllti(iln~ I ~fafirs, "nd \fal~lery :scr.;enlngof s .. mpl!e $~~ds, ralsl tlIgl aW(ljr~tN$5 about quail itysf!E!ds tlhrcouglih ag rimlltm<lll counselin 9 and d1E!mOFil~trll'ti(iln pllot'~ of ]prominent va,FietJie$, met1!grtlh~FiI. ing t~'1~ dll,sti('ilb~itlon, ch<mtll~11 of q~!(liliry seedlln ~h~ dlol'lO@stlic rTfia~k~l1throu:glh df!al@rworrksholP .a,l'lldl df!al~~ exclh~lngie' vis,it_ The pmj:E!(:ta,I,s(il fint~rv.eFiled to bUill] ,;alPac~ty of th;(l seed! oormp<!ny 'to ~tli:;~r~ th;(l s~prPlly Q~ qju<lliity 5@@dl fin the l'lI<I"tiQlna,11 rTfia~k~l1 thrrou,g h i mpw¥€!d qlu~llity control, H~!!'eOliFclh and diWelopmell1~ and s,"trrenglll'l· ~,medtMle S<l,!Ippl~of seed pot<lt<l Iitli 6anglladl~5h U'1IF'$ugh thli! f!stabl ishm@lrito,f <I iilSSUi~ CUlllIDm@ laboratory to' @mJUr@ dlil~~$e fT·~e ('O$~ ~ffe-<;~iv.e prr,od!!,Jlr;tfioFil_

Thf\wgh th~ m(ljrk~tdrlv~n Inrterv{l'tlitioj1]$ t'h~ pro]l~ct has r@ach~d rTfiorr~thall'll::W,QOO farrmli!rr~ alrida,bOUIt 1200 WO~Fi1 labours ~lndl25Q seedis, dle<ll!er,s.lKrw ill1!p.aCl$ ohl'lie' pro~ed Ilm:lltJde inc~~""sed supply of' qtJlilllilty se~dliitlicr.;ase in number-ef user ofquali11'f ~~ds,firTfip~ollJ~d lknowl~dgf! off ~s (!!,Jlltliv\l,.ion, iIFilcr>e-iWi! in yielcllprofn and emplloy· l'IfI~nit i["~'1e dl~Mct b.;nef1d!(lI~le$ of' ~h(llProJect MIPO~Mj an, approXlimat@ filnClrea~ fin Ipro,fit IPf!lr farm@rlby IE!Oi 5000 on an a~:rag:e and fO!!,Jlr "clditJioFilal ~abour$]per farm.

.Agri b'lisi D@S5 a nd aglli"i(iUltural~ !S,UbSi@doI1f5. • S@!@,ds

,. IF'elrtm:!!er (c:;hemlicOl~[lliid ofg!ank~ .•. Sh rim p~nd Pr~wn

.• Maize

• IPbultry

• Veglet!lllbi~~

~ Ptlis€l!l and 011 ,(f"O\~S

~ IFla:rkll!lltJl!.lrli! .

.• Ml,Ilshroom

• IB~f iFl1!JtJIj@itliln,g ;lind O~iry ~ Pi !le~ p~~e

• T~,lrimeric

.• IBalnlaifl;i!,

Indu:S,'l:ill'i~eS • IFul1r'1itUIfE'

.• Ii'll i1I5;tic~

• AgrQ·kldlls

S er'llif,(!!S

.•, Heallth C~IIi@ .• Wa~~e MO!In~g·ement

Innovision in action

I'IJQbi~e 'fill~m ~1C;'g Q'!i1 ~Qmpo:;,t !;i!$a'ge ,a'!l!!di it:i: b~t!'!Ie'l\ilt~

IllIrIO'\.!iI:s:lol'II Pi! rtmlered wiitih Arllrl<lp!.!I ~rlOi Agro Services, iii l'eadin9 compo~t lPiFoctu(!ln~ snd mall'k~~1 n9 00 ilI'Ipilny t>asedl ln Ir'Jiilph~ m~rl, ~Q' de'!reIQP a ~II!Ii: ~(~nlng 'I)! nit a nd ,a 'O<Iuh:!Jr(!jmll,'Mi'hicn I~ belng~croot1!ed aeress tne il!ordu·rril reglkm <1001 Is ~pe-,c~!!d W (~~~ MaS'sawa fi'ene~5 ilIoout dl!creasllingsoU fertll ity.t.lrle ineedrOf bala IfICOOrefliliZ'er allillUcIHon al1d (ompo~~,

Iltilit;latiion of Agrh;:u~t!l.l il'a~COt.l nseliln;g Ceiilt'{!n

1!fI"~S!O~II .. ~iOI!'l wlmh M M l}p .. II'l!l'rl1~ Ltod" i nfliO\I~s·IQI1III1I~tl~~edl.A.grKul!ili,l rr .. 1 CilU n'5elillg "e:f'i!~ers (Ace) in seed dealet :5110 ps alncl falfni'tt'l'nl' 91aJtlrietiitgl pIIOi;GIiS or dlifl'erenl up:uin<is of lRa:ilIgpiJ r, OiooJIPUI, Li!lllooll11 rna~, Nillpl'lltlmari~ ihaku rgoo n, G1'IilOOMh<l, J@s'ron! and Khll~n<ll di~lIMitt~ ~h~,r>e' ~Qt ... '1 :B94QtOlm1<e1rS gGI ~!'!iWJum.litlof! en Imp'OrI:ance< ,of.' qu"lily ~eed.. ~eas.oflO!'llty of erep j)rodU(ltJIOIiI, (lost efFeetfi\,ie IProoUcl:ion teCJnfio logies. bi~logli:cM(omrol of pest fHIlIliI:~eiiTl€nt, profutllb!l@ croppin 9 p:in:ttem, 501 It~~,1 ng @tLFro'lilTIJuly 2009' to. M\1}I' 201 0\.

BilI,cikyard (IIJthan) meetiin,g tlotraliiliil WOl1J1len 11a'bors

With M 1M Is:p~llani 6td~.~l)n(lvli5'lQn took <lctlve pan to ecl1I;!~<lI1Je ~he f.e~l\;l fam1iy mewn'bers (if o:m~ract s@@dg[01.!'I!@11"S in its preduction areas n1lJlilTI~l~ n_.,lmon:irhat"R:angJ)u ..!,njlr, JI~5§OIle'. (lhlladl~l'lga and M~f1Ierpu rJUi ~O,till 716,~mii)~ to;Jlm~~~ p,*rtkip.-rted tm dw imfl),rm~ I uaining progrOl!m wll el\e' inrt:oeractlion li~c~1j res en ditfe~eli'll~ ,00Is:peCl (If po~ 1iI~:rveSl <ictI'li',ltileso \!f~re deli",ell'ed, Pn:~vi'OIJ5,ly trne;re was no sou Fee (II~ 5!!Jcn '9 !lIid'.eC1 ililr6:mmatiolil for ~he'Se


li!!i$l!!!e (;l!!!ltl!!f'e' lalbs 'fur iSleedl potitto

11lI111)\!\1:£lol'lllilas s.uppone{j Gianlt Agro PFoces~lhg ltdLto,(J!evelop ti5'wecul.lur;e ~alb WOlF alksilllase riree~~ecl potato pmduction ~n lJ'haikurgaon in 2009, Under the 'g,JJlidaru:,e and tedhlnical .~IJ~N~!Ql"1 Ql' an ~xp.ert ~QiFl$~IIM1t, A~r~ ~~wbil~h~ the ~i~M!e: ~Y'lMre' ~$~ heuse \!tiliiniln tlhr'ee mOl'l't~~~a nd p:rodlu~ 28500 pldintlets am:ll7Ml 1(9 minn1!lbe"t and itJ:r€ieder

~~~d !)o'WW 'Of dia rIrlQll'it,c~r'd I 1iI~li ~m:d glr{l nol~ \!'©~i@n~~ -

1F,I~ood Iplain ba5ed 'lis heliles on a Qom !ililel!i(ial :!l(a!e:

To faciliT,i!t:e~lood plainllb<!5ed~$lhery,IMovlsion par~nered mill SWiJdl'es!h IUl'lnay<UII S<lg"'ln~lh. GQPi\llgi1lng (SYSG) 111'12009' ~h M~do)ripur til :5!har!a~lPur flM'herce 25 gr'ouj)s wtB~ lr~1 ned up l!l i~ood pijal" bs sed flsne,ry ~I!"!d .22 :started cllII~lv@U(l!\, An e!tpQ$!.m~ !j!J:siltv~~s C.On.dilliClM by SUl5G in DalJh::lkillll'iidi at Comi~la to, !>no!W1D'ie'if!'G0II'IOmic ioonellil'So.Hlood lpllair'll ba~ 'filshery tp the II'I'~ere5t'ed glr(lUpS, Th'~ 9II'QUPS. ~'V!~e (115.0 IlliIk"ed ,,,,Rill Dep,)r~n'lleil'il ()f f,lsll~r!l" :so thalt they can get the:lr assils:1:a nee,

n,'~i!il!in.g on aIPprop,ria'te 'fii5ihc'ulh,l!hi! prac:t;c;~'

Irn:llO\lii:tiol1i partliilered witlh IParragof'l Growpoo trail'! iIllmeries.d~ale,rs.'M1(I't~ad Ir\lrm~f~ 0111 approprillit~~sh cultli,l Fe pra(:~ic@. Unae r the program 212 Nun.t!I}I' and le,ad fa~:rs and 18 d:eiil,!ers 'w~~ua.1 Fled IIF! M",dI<'ilrilP!I,Il~ Sh~,rlatPiJJ r. Th ~!I,I~gh tf.le<5E' iJ:)1'09]t ... !TIS. ~he lP:rodllJtHvil~'li' alnd profita1bmly in cr'~i3J~,e,d, til e- t!liFiiMrl, iiliiild film:lieiiV oWillers p;F3('liced beUier rulti~a~iolil ~edulliJ:Au~s. and the S!IJ pp!ly ofqliJality fi ngler~1 Agl5 W<I!5, ensared


--_ .....



- ,~V ,lOP' II;;NT W,HEEb (!:lin·

Ilnlnovi:s,~o" C~mnlUing Private Lhi!i!it,ed Level 6, 19Iou~e 62, Road ~o. 3, Block B NU"et;m Society, G I.Ih han L Db,,!ka·121l Phont': >t880 l 8832178; Fax: +880 28826381 web s it!!; ~\' '1>'1.'1. i n no ... i sl<ln -bd. CoOm

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