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9 Craziest Facts about the Human Body

#1 Your Hand Can Have A Mind On Its Own

Remember Devon Sawa’s character in 1999’s ‘Idle Hands’, a comedy / horror movie about a
teen whose hand becomes possessed and goes on a killing spree?

Apparently this movie has some truth in it. The ‘idle hand’ which referred to as the ‘Alien
Hand Syndrome’ is an unusual neurological disorder in which the sufferer’s hand seems to
take on a mind of its own. This is due to the damage in the medial motor frontal region of the
brain and often occurs after a brain surgery, a stroke or an infection of the brain.

The sufferer has no control over the movements of the ‘alien hand’ nor will they have any
conscience idea on what that hand is doing. The person suffering from this condition can
often feel disconnected with their hand, and feel as if it was not part of their body.

When the suffer is unaware the alien hand can sometime act out complex movements like
unbuttoning clothing, using tools or even tearing pieces of clothing. There are no know
treatments or cure for ‘Alien Hand Syndrome’ however the best solution is to give this alien
hand an object it can play with to keep it distracted from doing anything harmful to the
#2 You Could Remove A Large Part of Your Internal Organs and Survive

While the human body may appear fragile, your body is stronger than you could possibly
imagine. It is possible for you to survive even after the removal of the spleen, the stomach,
one kidney, one lung, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, and almost every organ from
the pelvic and groin area.

#3 The Strong Contraction of Your Heart Creates Enough Pressure To

Squirt Blood As Far As 30 Feet
#4 Heart Attacks Are More Likely To Happen On Monday

A 10-year study in Scotland found that 20% of people die of a heart attack on Monday’s
compare to any other day of the week. The study suggests that the ‘Monday peak’ could be a
result of massive drinking during the weekend and work related stress; you know the
‘Monday blues.’

#5 Three Hundred Million Cells Die In Your Body Every Minute

It does sounds like a lot but this is actually less than 0.0001% of the amount of cells being
replaced in your body every day. (about 10-50 trillion cells are being replace in your body
every day)

#6 Babies Have More Bones Than You Do

When a baby is born, they have 300 bones in their body. When they reach adulthood they
are left with only 206 bones. This is because the smaller bones eventually join together to
form stronger single bones.

#7 Your Hair Is Almost Indestructible

Apart from having it burnt, human hair decays at such a slow rate that it is almost impossible
to get rid of. Do you remember those documentaries about Egypt, the pyramids and
Mummies on Discovery Channel? Well the mummies are left with no flesh, practically nothing
but bones and yes… hair. It might look fragile but hair cannot be destroyed by cold, change
of climate, water, or other natural forces and it is resistant to many kinds of acids and
corrosive chemicals.

#8 You Can Survive Without Food but Not Without Sleep

You need sleep as much as you need food. Many people neglect the importance of having
enough sleep without knowing that humans can actually survive longer without food than
without sleep. With water alone, an average person could survive a month to two without
food (that also varies from an individual’s body fat and other factors).

But a few sleepless nights will cause the person to start experiencing radical personality and
psychological changes. The longest recorded time anyone has ever gone without sleep is 264
hours. Randy Gardner at the end of which the experiment did not stumble or hallucinate but
scientist has said that any more sleepless nights than that is dangerous.

#9 You Have a Philtrum

The indentation in the middle of the area between the nose and the upper lip is called
the philtrum. While scientists are yet to figure out the specific purpose of this indentation
serves besides allowing humans to express a much larger range of lip motions, the ancient
Greeks thought it to be one of the most arousing places on the body.

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