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What is one way that the United States

Supreme Court is insulated from public

“Appointed” or “not elected”
Serve life terms
SC controls its own agenda
Salaries cannot be reduced
Limited access to Court proceedings
What is one factor that works to keep
the United States Supreme Court from
deviating too far from public opinion?

 Appointment or confirmation process

 Rely on other public officials to execute decisions
 New laws or Constitutional Amendments can
overrule decisions
 Concern for reputation
 Impeachment
Identify one characteristic of
Supreme Court nominees
Acceptability to SENATE
Age, gender, race, region, religion
Identify one method that has been
used by interest groups to influence
the appointment process

What first amendment clause
was the Supreme Court decision
based on in Engel v. Vitale?

Establishment Clause
Selective Incorporation
The piecemeal process (not sudden) of
applying some liberties in the Bill of
Rights to the states using the 14th
Amendment/due process/equal protection
clause as justification
What provision of the 14th
Amendment was applied in the
Supreme Court case Miranda v.

Due Process

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