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ENTRY # 1.

My understanding of the use of Information Communication Technology in ESL/EFL

Nowadays,technology help us to solve many problems in our classrooms specially t
hose related to didactic applications that can contribute to establish a friend
ly educational environment, being the meaningful learning the main goal.

The use of information is not just a matter of stored it, due that can provide u
s of elements that must be considered carefully, in order to organize them as
well as possible.

Since the moment that information is being organized,this contribute to store

it on students' memeory in a long term.When you think about technology in an
ESL/EFL classroom it is a must to think in educational terms,this mean that it
is possible to get a
benefit out of technology , being focused on contribute to the efective and r
eflexive use of technology to manage information in a meaningful way ,being a us
efull tool to solve real scholar problems.
Our chalange as EFL/ESL teachers is not just be updated or go beyond our studen
ts, it is a matter of be creative and accurrate when we desing our own didact
ic materials,according to students' needs.
Finally,before teaching in an ESL/EFL classroom it is ncessary to be aware of
the purposes, implication,strenghts and limitations of the use of Information Co
mmunication Technology as a didactic tool, if not the results wiil be unsuccessf

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