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Throughout our vibrant and bellicose history, mankind has raised the few and the proud as

markedly “special,” the minority that forms a pseudo-oligarchy in terms of worldly societal and political
reign. These special individuals, with the prodigious responsibility of culminating their strengths under
the constraint of pressure, are by far unique and therefore, must be judged uniquely as well. Head raised
with this challenging prospect, cars attuned to the population’s cry, eyes moist with alacrity, the leaders
of our history should quintessentially by graded by radically different criteria.

Among those led history with a raised head is Lawrence from Lawrence of Arabia. Based on true
events during “the war to end all wars,” Lawrence, the blue-eyed, blond haired man from Britain, is
called upon to effectively organize and bring together a savage yet motley group of warring dark
skinned Bedouins in the sake of granting them independence. Under speculation, it would seem that
passive Lawrence was an unfit leader: his overt compassion led to the disingenuous nature of his
belligerent subordinates. However, one must ascertain that his sanguine, often congenial nature for his
Arabs was one that garnered much respect and a mutually gregarious attitude. Even through Lawrence’s
mother country might have had designs on Arabia and these hapless tribes did not achieve initial
independence, Lawrence’s assiduousness was extolled throughout Britain.

If assiduousness had a fiery descendent, it would have manifested in Sojourner Truth. A leader
and pioneer in her own right, Sojourner was an older woman who at face value, might have seemed like
a woman who knew little and whose cause was more futile than the intended reform. But in her famous
hypophora, “Ain’t I A Woman?”, Sojourner makes one point very clear: her authority is unquestionable
and the wealth of her experience only complements that she is different than a man: she should be
judged as a humble pioneer, breaking boundaries and setting the bar for women everywhere.

Leaders essentially set the standard, improving our society and leading change wherever fit.
Though the task is challenging and obstacles are aplenty, ever leaders faces this chimera with a strong
smile, knowing that their efforts are ones that are judged with understanding and enlightened emotions.

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