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I'd dare to say that no matter how long you've ridden - whether it's just one year

or since cavemen invented the wheel - everybody has been, or will be, bored
with riding a motorcycle.

Recently I was having lunch with a long time riding buddy and out of the blue he
mentioned that he was thinking about selling his motorcycle. My natural response
was - "and get what to replace it?" I was surprised when he told me he was
bored with motorcycling and just wanted to sell the bike.

I know, I know. This could never happen to you - you're a genuine hard *** biker.
You ride uphill both ways, on gravel roads, in the snow, wearing only a t-shirt and
underwear and love every friggin' second of it. You'd never get bored with

Well, here's the deal, its human nature to get into ruts. Do something long
enough and you get comfortable with consistency. It's why most people work at
the same job for 30 years yet dread going to work each day. It's what happened
to my friend. He was in a rut.

He rode the same roads every time he got on his motorcycle. He did the same
weekend trips. He stopped at the same places every time. He wasn't bored with
motorcycling, he was bored with his routine.

That conversation with my friend was what inspired me to create this list -
hopefully if you're surfing out there on the web you'll find this and it will stir your
"motorcycle soul" a bit. Maybe even break you out of your routines.

I got into motorcycling for the sense of adventure, the freedom it provides -
basically, so I'd never get into a rut. I'm hoping you don't either.

1.Plan a motorcycle trip that lasts longer than three days. Don't
pick a destination, just pick a direction.
2.Trade motorcycles with a friend for a day - or even better trade
yours in for a new one! (Bonus Points: Are you a cruiser, try a dual sport.
Are you a sportbiker, try a cruiser. Classic bike guy, eh? Test ride a brand
new one.
3.Pick a route from (blatant plug!!) that
you haven't done before and do it by the end of next month.
4.Start bringing a camera with you whenever you ride. It's amazing
how much photography forces you to see when you are on a motorcycle
5.Play a game. Randomly pick a distance and then ride that
distance by the end of the day without doing any roads you've ridden
before. (this is a lot of fun to do with groups)
6.Join a riding club/attend a rally.
7.Start tracking all the roads you've ridden - buy a GPS to add
some "new gadget" fun to the process.
8.Get your spouse or friend interested in riding - their excitement
will rub off on you (plus you'll get a new motorcycle buddy for rides)
9.Travel by motorcycle and camp, don't stay in hotels. No one's
"too old" to camp.
10.Splurge and do one of those guided motorcycle tours at a place
you've never been. (You'll get to ride a new bike AND try somewhere

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