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Q. A museum curator examine that the revenue of museum is going decrease
then what your step to increase the revenue in context to economics

In this museum there is the revenue have to increase. Then is I am a curator

then I will take a step that I held a exhibition to increase a revenue there is some
more step to take and we assume that the revenue is going shift up but we are
talking with the context of economics then the people who is the visitor they not
increase in a day or in month that increase in a year’s then we are taking a step
when the people are inelasticity then a two steps like below

- To open a restaurant in a museum or a near museum

- To held a exhibition of the artistic things, paints handy craft

We discuss a both step and discuss

1. To open a restaurant in a museum or near a museum

There is a two way the museum can open their Restaurant or given a
space to the any franchise demand of people obviously inelastic to
elasticity but there is a more people coming there for a eating and
going not visited a museum also then this step is not success for
economy of my point of view
I take a second step and discuss
2. To held exhibition of the artistic things
In a museum some space is not used then I curator take a action and
think that the exhibition of the artistic thing like paint, handicraft
things , other things the collection of anything then we can earn a
more revenue.
Because there is a exhibition of the collection of the anything the
people come and visit to exhibition because a people want to know
new thing about anything then they visit the museum this step is
more reliable then a first step museum’s revenue going shifted up
very fast and people elasticity also increase and demand of the
museum shift to right then it is also increase then we can increase
the price of the museum’s ticket and then also a people coming to
visit the museum then the revenue going up. We can understand
that how the graph told about this step




150 250

In this graph the revenue of the museum is shifted up because the

people demand shifted right towards because the exhibition held
there and the people come to visit a museum and but there is a
exhibition is there the people come and visit the museum in the
graph we can watch that there is a price increase then also a people
come and visit the museum then there is the elasticity of demand is
shifted right side with help of the step of the which we discuss.
The price of the ticket when there is no exhibition 15 and now we
held a exhibition then we increase the price to 20 then people come
more than the before that’s why the second step is more reliable for
the museum

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