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The “Torre Comercial América” is an office buildingValle Oriente that is ubicated in

the municiplay of San Pedro Garza García. The original name is “Torre Margen. The
height of this building is 128 meters and 30 levels becoming the second higher tower in
the estate of Nuevo Leon. It was the highest until the year 2000, when its tower
neighborhood was finished, the Tower CNCI.

It construction began in 1989 and was

finished in 1991. It has 7 levels of
underland parking . Its constructor was
the enterprise Maíz Mier, S.A. de C.V.

This contruction is considered a

construction in the age post-modernism.
Term Definition Location in the photo
With this project I really learn about the parts of a polygon and how do the architects make
their works.
I learn about a very important building of our very important state. And I think that this will
be a base of how do I need to work at the carreer.


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