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Instructions to install Apache and PHP on Windows

1. Create 2 folders on C drive, one for Apache server one for php as seen below:
a. C:\apache
b. C:\php
2. Download from this link the file httpd-2.2.15-
win32-x86-no_ssl.msi and save in a location where you can install in the newly created apache
folder. I put it in C:\Temp
3. We run the installer
Change to
4. Open a browser and type in http://localhost and if installed correctly you see this screen:

At the bottom of your desktop you see an icon to start and stop Apache httpd server
Below is the place where Apache has its configuration file httpd.conf. Will get to it in a moment.
5. Download and install PHP to work with the Apache server by going to this link:
We choose the VC6 of PHP 5 either the zip or the installer. The zip manual settings did not work
for me, so I used the installer and download it in the folder of your choice (the file obtained
should have this name: php-5.3.3-nts-Win32-VC6-x86.msi)
Select the file as in the screen below and save it in the C:\Temp

6. Follow the steps in the Wizard, and c:\php directory as location for installing the php and the
Apache folder for updates to the httpd.conf file which is done by the installer.

7. Create a file named test.php and put it in the c:\apache\htdocs folder with the following text:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

8. In the browser type http://localhost/test.php. You should see the following screen if all is done

This is a detail of the PHP installation features and their location.

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