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The Curtis Dowlearn Memorial Scholarship

Curtis was a very happy, loving, carefree person all his life. He loved life and lived each day to
the fullest. Curtis loved making people happy by doing whatever was necessary. No matter what
someone needed he would jump right in and offer a helping hand or shoulder to cry on. From cutting
someone’s grass to just letting them vent their problem’s he was a great friend to everyone that knew

Curtis passed away on January 26th 2008 after a long battle from injuries sustained in a motor
vehicle accident on November 17th. Even in his death Curtis continued to help people. He saved 6 lives
through organ donation. One being a 13 year old little boy named Shawn McDonald.

Curtis was his Furr High School baseball team Pitcher and Team Captain. He received his High
School diploma posthumously in May of 2009. We, his family, Friends and community want to keep his
love and legacy alive by starting a memorial scholarship that would benefit the students of his alma
mater, Furr High School that he loved so much.

Please help us keep the love going by donating to the scholarship fund.

Thank you and God bless,

The Dowlearn Family

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