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China, People's Republic of

 "My Motherland"(我的祖国)

 "Praise to the Motherland"(歌唱祖国)

 "The East Is Red" (东方红)

 "Blood-stained Glory"(血染的風采)

 "I Love Beijing Tiananmen"(我爱北京天安门)

 "Long Live Chairman Mao"(毛主席万岁)

 "Beijing has a Golden Sun"(北京有个金太阳)

 "Heroic Sons and Daughters"(英雄儿女)

 "Naniwan"(南泥湾)

 "On top of the Red Star Mountain"

 "Without the Communist Party, there is no New China"(没有共产党,就没有新中


 "March of the Volunteers" - national anthem (义勇军进行曲)

 "Socialism is Good"(社会主义好)

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