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Presentation Notes

 My MA thesis is going to be my final paper for this class as it relates directly

 Focus on “Arabizi” which is a transcription system of Arabic that is completely ad-hoc for the
purposes of communicating online and via text messages in situations where it is too costly,
cumbersome or other factors inhibiting the use of Arabic Script
 Some interesting features of this system:
o transcribes dialect features explicitly where Arabic doesn’t (diglossia)
o Completely ad-hoc and not standard
o Evidence of use for writing on paper as well or in contexts where it isn’t strictly
o Division of usage for Classical Arabic vs. Arabizi
 Some questions that I will examine: How does this change the attitude towards Arabic script?
Could it outmode it? Does this throw into sharper contrast the differences between Modern
Standard Arabic and the dialects for either users or
 I intend to use this instance to look at the scholarship from different fields and bring it together
so that we can better understand this facet of the digital revolution

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