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It·s my family picture. The picture was taken when we were in Indonesia
University for my mother·s graduation. On that picture I wear red shirt. The picture
was taken when I was in 9th grade in junior high school. Maybe I am the most handsome
in the picture.

Beside me is my mother who has the event. She graduated from her university
after she has studied for 4 years. She took a doctoral faculty of computer that had a
scholarship from her office.

In front of her is my sister who is wearing yellow shirt. She was 5th years old. She
is the youngest daughter in my family. She is very cute for me.

And the one who stands on the left is my father. He works in the Ministry of
Agriculture of Indonesia. He is the best father for me. Because he always advices me if
I make any mistake.

And the last people in the picture who stands on the right is my brother who was
in 6 grade. He is the second son in my family after me.

That·s all my family, may god bless us forever.



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