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Week: 17/05/2010

Monday: ------

Tuesday: -----

Wednesday: worked on KR presentation, studied checkers related to pwr mgmt

Thursday: worked on KR power mgmt presentation related to p-state, nbps , waiting for the version
with new changes, learned to be organized by Simon Robert ‘s work.sxw . how organized this person is,
awesome. Working on kr_60 version, hope it helps me get started with some debug.

Friday: fired regression on pm power mgmt list. All of them failed due to cpu num ptr and cold_reset
issue. Venkat said he is going to debug those issues. Clean by desktop, it was looking pretty ugly, now it
is well organized at least for some more days, was waiting for EPBM results , either the list is not out or I
am not selected, the probability for the later is very high almost 1 .

Week: 24/05/2010

Monday : doing an analysis on test cases between Llano and Ontario. Will have to add those missing
tests in KR. Had a team meeting, and discussed pwr mgmt issues, especially from the Southbridge
integration side and real SB builds

Tuesday: worked on bugs from power management from ON/LN. went to Kites movie in the afternoon. I
shouldn’t be writing this, but ….

Wednesday: started running regressions with the extra switches provided by venkat . The tests are
running … will have to debug the failures .



Week 31/05/2010

Monday: Debugged nbps1_c0timer_noexpire test.

Tuesday: Filed a bug related to unconnected ports from FCH_wrapper.v

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